Too Tough to Burn

album dei Raw Power del 1993

Too Tough to Burn è un album dei Raw Power.

Too Tough to Burn
album in studio
ArtistaRaw Power
GenereHardcore punk
EtichettaRosemary's,a division of Contempo
ProduttoreMarc Deutrom
RegistrazioneLuglio 1992 at Westlink Recoders,Pisa(I)
NoteMusic by Tommi-Giuseppe, except "Run for Cover" by M.Pieri; all Songs by Raw Power except "Holy war" by Philip Lynot
Raw Power - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Tracce modifica

Lato A

  1. Jane and Joe - 1:55
  2. This ain't a way to go - 2:17
  3. Run for cover - 3:07
  4. Fight the army - 3:23
  5. You can't stop me - 2:11
  6. Heaven & Hell - 1:48
  7. Holy war - 4:03

Lato B

  1. Let me die - 3:26
  2. You owe me - 2:42
  3. Lies - 2:15
  4. No way - 2:21
  5. Prisoners - 2:52
  6. This is your fate - 2:23
  7. 82-92 - 2:31
  8. Fuck authority - 1:44

Formazione modifica

Collegamenti esterni modifica

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