Wikipedia:Autorizzazioni ottenute/Strategia nel backgammon

Nota sull'autore


Strategia nel backgammon è una rielaborazione del lavoro di Masayuki Mochizuki, reperibile a
Le immagini presenti nel testo sono mie opere creative, rilasciate in base alla licenza Creative Commons 4.0.
Di seguito, per completezza, riporto il testo del messaggio con il quale chiedo il permesso all'autore e la risposta positiva dell'autore stesso.
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Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2018 06:30:08 +0900
From: Mochy
To: Fernando
Subject: Re: It-Wiki project: "Strategia nel backgammon"

Hi Fernando, I understand and agreed that you use copyrighted material that can be found at

Regards, MOCHY

Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2018 23:37:13 +0100 (CET)
From: Fernando
To: Mochy
Subject: It-Wiki project: "Strategia nel backgammon"

Hello Mochy,

I am writing to you to ask for permission to use your copyrighted material that can be found at

I have translated and elaborated content from the slides of your past lectures and I need your consent to publish it.

Wikipedia licenses all its content under the licence developed for purposes of free documentation by the Creative Commons, the text of which can be found at < It should be borne in mind that if you choose to allow Wikipedia to use the stated [photograph, illustration, etc], it will remain copyrighted to you; however, the said licence stipulates that third parties must be permitted to reuse the licensed work so long that they retain the licence of this work and any derivatives from it. Consequently, you may wish to consider carefully whether you are prepared to compromise some of your rights granted to you by copyright law by licensing your work as suggested.

That said, allow me to reiterate that your material will be used to the noble end of providing a free collection of knowledge for everyone; naturally enough, only if you agree. If that is the case, please copy the form at the email by which you grant us permission to use your content, and make any necessary amendments before sending the email to our email response team ("OTRS").

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards,

Fernando Braconi.

31 Gennaio 2018, 09:42 UTC+1