Gabriel Almond

politologo statunitense

Gabriel Abraham Almond (Rock Island, 12 gennaio 1911Pacific Grove, 25 dicembre 2002) è stato un politologo statunitense.

Studiò all'Università di Chicago e lavorò con Harold Lasswell. Insegnò alla Stanford University dal e alla Yale University.

  • Comparative Political Systems, in: Journal of Politics XVIII, August 1956, S. 391-409
  • Introduction. A Functional Approach to Comparative Politics, in: Gabriel A. Almond / James S. Coleman (Hrsg.): The Politics of the Developing Areas, Princeton 1960, S. 3-64
  • The Civic Culture. Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations, Boston / Toronto 1963
  • A Developmental Approach to Political Systems, in: World Politics XVII, January 1965, S. 183-214
  • Comparative Politics. A Developmental Approach, Boston / Toronto 1966
  • Political Development: Analytical and Normative Perspectives, Boston 1968
  • Determinancy-Choice, Stability-Change: Some Thoughts on a Contemporary Polemic in Political Theory, in: Government and Opposition V, 1969/70
  • Crisis, Choice, and Change. Historical Studies of Political Development, Boston 1973
  • Comparative Politics Today. A World View, Boston / Toronto 1980
  • A Discipline Divided. Schools and Sects in Political Science, 1990
  • Political Science - the History of the Discipline, in: Robert E. Goodin and Hans-Dieter Klingemann: A New Handbook of Political Science, Oxford / New York 1998, S. 50-96

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