Pieter Zeeman: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 55:
== Pubblicazioni ==
* {{Cita pubblicazione | cognome = Zeeman | nome = Pieter | anno = 1897 | mese = febbraio | titolo = The Effect of Magnetisation on the Nature of Light Emitted by a Substance | rivista = Nature | volume = 55 | p = 347 | url = http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/webdocs/Chem-History/Zeeman-effect.html | urlmorto = sì | urlarchivio = https://web.archive.org/web/20070704225200/http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/webdocs/Chem-History/Zeeman-effect.html | dataarchivio = 4 luglio 2007 }}
* {{Cita pubblicazione | cognome = Lodge | nome = Oliver | linkautore = Oliver Joseph Lodge | data=11 febbraio 1897 | titolo = The Influence of a Magnetic Field on Radiation Frequency | rivista = Proceedings of the Royal Society of London | volume = 60 | pp = 513-514 | url = httphttps://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0370-1662%281896%2F1897%2960%3C513%3ATIOAMF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-C }}
* {{Cita pubblicazione | cognome = Larmor | nome = J | linkautore = Joseph Larmor | data=11 febbraio 1897 | titolo = The Influence of a Magnetic Field on Radiation Frequency | rivista = Proceedings of the Royal Society of London | volume = 60 | pp = 514-515 | url = httphttps://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0370-1662%281896%2F1897%2960%3C514%3ATIOAMF%3E2.0.CO%3B2-B }}
* {{Cita pubblicazione | cognome = Zeeman | nome = P | anno = 1914 | titolo = Fresnel's coefficient for light of different colours. (First part) | rivista = Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences, Proceedings | volume = 17 | numero = I | pp = 445-451 | url = http://www.historyofscience.nl/search/detail.cfm?pubid=1708&view=image&startrow=1 }}
* {{Cita pubblicazione | cognome = Zeeman | nome = P | anno = 1915 | titolo = Fresnel's coefficient for light of different colours. (Second part) | rivista = Royal Netherlands Academy of Art and Sciences, Proceedings | volume = 18 | numero = I | pp = 398-408 | url = http://www.historyofscience.nl/search/detail.cfm?pubid=1847&view=image&startrow=1 }}
* Zeeman, P. (1900) ''[httphttps://www.archive.org/details/effectsofamagnet028612mbp The Effects Of A Magnetic Field On Radiation Memoirs By Faraday Kerr And Zeeman]'' (American Book Company)
* Zeeman, P. (1913) ''[httphttps://www.archive.org/details/researchesinmagn00zeemuoft Researches in magneto-optics: with special reference to the magnetic resolution of spectrum lines]'' (London: Macmillan)
== Voci correlate ==
Riga 71:
* {{en}} Albert van Helden [http://www.historyofscience.nl/author.cfm?RecordId=39 ''Pieter Zeeman 1865 – 1943''] In: K. van Berkel, A. van Helden and L. Palm ed., A History of Science in The Netherlands. Survey, Themes and Reference (Leiden: Brill, 1999) 606 - 608
* {{cita web|httphttps://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1902/zeeman-lecture.html|Nobel Lecture|lingua=en}}
* {{en}} [http://www.nobel.se/physics/laureates/1902/zeeman-bio.html Biografia di Pieter Zeeman] sul sito ufficiale del Premio Nobel
{{Premio Nobel per la fisica}}