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Riga 48:
Ricchissima è l'avifauna, con specie che in Gran Bretagna si incontrano solo qui, come il [[Tetrao urogallus|gallo cedrone]], il [[Bucephala clangula|quattrocchi]], la [[Lophophanes cristatus|cincia dal ciuffo]], il [[Loxia pytyopsittacus|crociere delle pinete]] e il [[Loxia scotica|crociere di Scozia]]; tra le specie presenti anche nel resto dell'isola ricordiamo il [[Lyrurus tetrix|gallo forcello]], il [[Loxia curvirostra|crociere]], lo [[Mergus merganser|smergo maggiore]], il [[Spinus spinus|lucherino]], l'[[Acanthis cabaret|organetto minore]], il [[Asio otus|gufo comune]], il [[Pandion haliaetus|falco pescatore]], lo [[Mergus serrator|smergo minore]], il [[Turdus iliacus|tordo sassello]], il [[Calidris temminckii|gambecchio nano]], il [[Tringa glareola|piro-piro boschereccio]], lo [[Podiceps auritus|svasso cornuto]] e l'[[Aquila chrysaetos|aquila reale]].
==Conservation Conservazione ==
AUn reviewrapporto ofsulle thepinete nativeautoctone pinewoodsdella ofScozia Scotlandstilato da ''Steven &e Carlisle (nel 1959)''<ref name="Steven H.M 1959"/> highlightedmise thein plightevidenza ofla thedifficile remainingsituazione dei 35 ancientframmenti di pinewoodforesta sitesrimanenti, manymolti ofdei whichquali haderano beenstati damageddanneggiati bydagli fellingabbattimenti, firedagli andincendi intensivee grazingdal frompascolo sheepintensivo anddi deerpecore e cervi. AUn latersuccessivo reviewrapporto indegli theanni 1980s'80<ref>Bain{{cita libro | autore=C. G. (Bain | anno=1987). ''| titolo=Native Pinewoods in Scotland: A Review 1957-1987'', | editore=Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, | città=Sandy.}}</ref> showedmostrò thatche furthernel damagefrattempo hadla occurredsituazione throughera ploughingandata andpeggiorando plantinga withcausa non-nativedel conifersdissodamento withe lessdella thanpiantumazione 12,000&nbsp;hadi ofconifere thealloctone anciente habitatche la superficie delle pinete era ormai inferiore ai {{M|12000}} remainingettari. In Aseguito subsequentè guidestata topubblicata theuna ancientguida pinewoodsalle reviewsantiche thepinete, conservationche storyripercorre andla providesstoria adella summaryloro ofconservazione thee managementfornisce inuna eachsintesi sitedella asgestione wellambientale asdi aciascun guidesito, onoltre howa tospiegare reachcome allraggiungere thetutti woodsi usingboschi publicutilizzando transport,i mezzi walkingpubblici, anda piedi o in cyclingbicicletta.<ref>Bain{{cita libro | autore=C. G. (Bain | anno=2013) | titolo=The Ancient Pinewoods of Scotland, A Travellers Guide. | editore=Sandstone Press, | città=Dingwall}}</ref> MuchGran ofparte remainingdi Caledonianquel pineche forestrimane isdella fullyforesta [[Protecteddi areas|protect]]ed,pini anddella muchCaledonia ofgode thedi forestcompleta nowprotezione liese withinuna theparte consiste si trova attualmente all'interno del [[Cairngormsparco Nationalnazionale Parkdi Cairngorms]]. TheAnche la [[Royal Society for the Protection of Birds]] (RSPB) ande la [[Forestry and Land Scotland]] alsopossiedono owndiverse severalaree areasdi ofpineta pinewoodnelle onloro their reservesriserve. OneUna ofdelle thearee largestsopravvissute remainingpiù areasestese isè Ballochbuiela Forestforesta ondi theBallochbuie nella [[Castello di Balmoral Castle|Balmoraltenuta Estatedi Balmoral]], whichche isè protectedprotetta as acome [[Specialzona Areaspeciale ofdi Conservationconservazione]] underai the Europeansensi Uniondella [[Habitatsdirettiva DirectiveHabitat]] dell'Unione Europea.<ref>{{citecita web | url=http://www.jncc.gov.uk/ProtectedSites/SACselection/sac.asp?EUCode=UK0030030 |title titolo=Ballolchbuie SAC: Site Details |publisher editore=Joint Nature Conservation Committee}}</ref>
ScientificLe researchricerche continuesscientifiche onsull'ecologia thedella ecologyforesta ofcaledoniana thee Caledoniansul Forestsuo andripristino itsproseguono restorationtuttora. Le Populationspopolazioni ofdi theuna rarerara groundcoverpianta erbacea che cresce nel sottobosco, la ''[[Linnaea borealis]]'', maypotrebbero beessere tootroppo isolatedisolate froml'una onedall'altra anotherper toprodurre producesemi viable seedvitali.<ref name=scob09/> La Diversityriduzione ofdell'habitat [[fungi]]ha hasavuto alsoripercussioni beenanche affectedsulla bydiversità thedei decrease in habitat[[Fungi|funghi]].<ref name=newt02/> TheIl [[agaric]]fungo fungusagarico ''[[Mycena purpureofusca]]'' issi commonlyincontra foundcomunemente innelle Caledonianpinete pinedi woodsCaledonia,<ref name="Orton 1986">{{citecita pubblicazione journal|author autore=OrtonP. PDD. Orton |title titolo=Fungi of northern pine and birch woods |journal rivista=Bulletin of the British Mycological Society |year anno=1986 | volume=20 |issue numero=2 |pages pp=130–45130-45 | doi=10.1016/S0007-1528(86)80042-6}}</ref> anded itè isconsiderato considered anun [[indicatorindicatore speciesbiologico]] forper thatquesto habitattipo typedi habitat.<ref name="Tofts 1998">{{citecita journalpubblicazione |vauthors autore=R. J. Tofts RJ,e OrtonP. PDD. Orton |title titolo=The species accumulation curve for agarics and boleti from a Caledonian pinewood |journal rivista=Mycologist |year anno=1998 | volume=12 |issue numero=3 |pages pp=98–10298-102 | doi=10.1016/S0269-915X(98)80002-5}}</ref> [[wildfire|Fire]] appears to increase the natural recruitment of Scots pine seedlings.<ref name=han05/>
Continuano le ricerche scientifiche sull'ecologia della foresta caledoniana e sul suo ripristino. Le popolazioni della rara copertura del suolo, Linnaea borealis, potrebbero essere troppo isolate l'una dall'altra per produrre semi vitali. La diversità dei funghi è stata anche influenzata dalla diminuzione dell'habitat. Il fungo agarico Mycena purpureofusca si trova comunemente nelle pinete di Caledonia ed è considerato una specie indicatrice per quel tipo di habitat. Il fuoco sembra aumentare il reclutamento naturale delle piantine di pino silvestre.
The charity [[Trees for Life (Scotland)]] has been working to conserve the remaining forest, and reforest areas where it has been lost, using fences to prevent deer from eating saplings. This involves the reintroduction of the full range of native flora, including [[Mycorrhiza|mycorrhizal fungi]] that assist [[soil regeneration]].<ref>[https://treesforlife.org.uk/work/ "Trees for Life - What we do"]</ref><ref>[https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/apr/20/magical-mushroom-mix-to-boost-regrowth-of-lost-scottish-forests "‘Magical' mushroom mix to boost regrowth of lost Scottish forests"]</ref>
In recent years, there has been a growing interest to reintroduce animals which are native to but currently extinct in [[Great Britain]], back into Caledonian pine forests. Corporations have been set up to persuade the government to allow this. The long-running campaign to reintroduce the Eurasian beaver to [[Knapdale]] in [[Argyll]] has been successful,<ref>[http://www.scotsbeavers.org "They're back!"] {{webarchive|url=https://web.archive.org/web/20060216174146/http://www.scotsbeavers.org/ |date=2006-02-16 }} The Scottish Beaver Network (viewed 11&nbsp;June 2009)</ref> and there is some support for the reintroduction of the [[gray wolf|grey wolf]] and [[Eurasian lynx]].
Recently, some landowners have announced plans to build large [[game reserve]]s on their land and release the species within them.<ref name=yale/> Paul Lister plans to release Eurasian lynx, [[brown bear]], grey wolf, [[moose|elk]], [[wild boar]] and species already present in Scotland into a huge {{convert|200|km2|acre|abbr=on|adj=on}} enclosure at his estate, [[Alladale Wilderness Reserve]],<ref name=yale/> although releasing top predators such as wolves and bears has become a difficult proposition with local and national regulations.<ref name=yale/> An initial trial enclosure of {{convert|5.5|km2|acre|abbr=on}} was built with elk, wild boar, red deer and roe deer.<ref name=yale/>
==Remaining pinewoods==
Bain (2013) lists 38&nbsp;ancient pinewood sites in Britain which have been identified as the most genuinely native and natural. All of them occur in the Scottish Highlands. The Caledonian Pinewood Inventory<ref>{{cite journal | author = Jones A. T. | year = 1999 | title = The Caledonian Pinewood Inventory of Scotland's Native Scots Pine Woodlands | journal = Scottish Forestry | volume = 53 | pages = 237–242 }}</ref> breaks these down into 84 smaller sub-units of the main sites. In March 2019, as part of the implementation of the [[Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Act 2018]], the [[Scottish Government]] listed 84 sites as Caledonian pinewood in regulations, given below.<ref>{{Cite legislation Scotland|type=ssi|year=2019|number=126|ssi=The Forestry (Exemptions) (Scotland) Regulations 2019}}</ref>
== Note ==