Battaglia di 'Aqraba': differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 35:
Agli ordini di Khalid, l'esercito islamico si spinse ancora una volta all'attacco. I musulmani lanciarono violenti attacchi lungo tutto il fronte.La carneficina maggiore avvenne in un burrone in cui il sangue umano scorse a rivoli nel [[wadi]].
L'esito della battaglia rimase comunque in bilico. Khalid allora capì che, per la fede fanatica nel loro ''leader'', i Banu Hanifa non avrebbero ceduto. Era evidente che solo la morte di Musaylima avrebbe potuto determinare la sconfitta dei non musulmani, dal momento che essa avrebbe ingenerato una forte demoralizzazione dei suoi seguaci e ciò avrebbe condotto inevitabilmente alla loro disfatta. Tuttavia Musaylima non combatteva in prima linea come faceva invece Khalid. Avrebbe dovuto essere allontanato dalla cintura di protezione organizzata dai suoi fedeli. Al primo violento urto del combattimento, i guerrieri impegnati fecero seguire un momento di pausa utile per riprendere fiato. Vi fu un momento di calma.<!--
Allora Khalid allungò il passo verso il centro dello schieramento nemico e lanciò una sfida per un combattimento a singolar tenzone. Numerosi campioni si fecero avanti dai ranghi degli "apostati" per accettare la sfida di [[Khalid ibn al-Walid]] e avanzarono verso di lui a uno a uno; Khalid superò ogni avversario. Lentamente e fermamente Khalid s'indirizzò verso Musaylima, uccidendo un suo campione dopo l'altro, finché non rimase nessuno che fosse coraggioso abbastanza per contrapporsi a lui. Fu a quel punto sufficientemente prossimo a Musaylima per parlargli senza urlare, e gli propose dei colloqui. Musaylima fu d'accordo; avanzò cautamente e si fermò proprio al di là della distanza utile per duellare con Khalid. Questi era determinato a uccidere Musaylima. I colloqui erano solo un espediente per accostarglisi. A quell'istante Khalid gli balzò contro. [[Khalid ibn al-Walid]] era veloce ma Musaylima lo era ancor di più. A quel punto del combattimento, qualcosa d'inesprimibile mutò nello spirito dei due eserciti, deprimendo uno ed esaltando l'altro. La fuga del loro 'profeta' e comandante davanti a Khalid fu una visione sciagurata per gli occhi degli 'apostati', mentre i musulmani gioivano. Per sfruttare l'opportunità psicologicamente favorevole che al momento gli si presentava, Khalid ibn al-Walid ordinò un'immediata nuova offensiva. Gli 'apostati' cominciarono ad arretrare, alal stessa stregua dei musulmani che avanzavano. Dopo qualche tempo il fronte 'infedele' si sbriciolò. Il nucleo più compatto dell'esercito di Musaylima si frantumò e fuggì, sparpagliandosi in ogni direzione.
Then Khalid stepped out towards the enemy centre and threw a challenge to single combat. Several champions came out of the apostate ranks to accept the challenge of [[Khalid ibn al-Walid]] and advanced towards him one by one; Khalid disposed of each opponent. Slowly and steadily Khalid advanced towards Musailima, killing champion after champion, until there were none left that were brave enough to come forth against him. By now he was close enough to Musailima to talk to him without shouting, and he proposed talks. Musailima agreed; he stepped forward cautiously and halted just outside duelling distance of Khalid. Khalid had already determined to kill Musailima; the talks were only bait to draw him close enough. At that instant Khalid sprang at him. [[Khalid ibn al-Walid]] was fast, but Musailima was faster. But in that moment of flight, something meaningful happened to the spirit of the two armies, depressing one and exalting the other. The flight of their 'prophet' and commander from Khalid was a disgraceful sight in the eyes of the apostates, while the Muslims rejoiced. To exploit the psychological opportunity which now presented itself, Khalid ibn al-Walid ordered an immediate renewal of the offensive. The apostates began to fall back as the Muslims struck. After some time the infidel front broke into pieces. The bulk of the army broke and fled, scattering in all directions.
==Ultima fase del combattimento==<!--
==Last Phase of the Battle==
Only about a fourth of Musailima's army remained in fighting shape, and this part hastened to the walled garden while Muhakim (commander of the right wing) covered its retreat with a small rear-guard. This rear-guard was soon cut to pieces by the Muslims, and Muhakim fell to the arrow of the [[Caliph]]'s son, Abdur-Rahman. Soon the Muslims arrived at the walled garden, where a little over 7,000 apostates, Musailima among them, had taken shelter. The infidels had closed the gate. The Muslims were anxious to get into the garden and finish the job. Soon a Muslim soldier Al Baraa ibn Malik asked his fellow men to let him climb the wall so that he could open the gate by killing the guards there. The soldier jumped in to the garden and opened the gate. The Muslims entered the garden and the last and most gory phase of the Battle of Yamamah had begun.
Riga 46:
The apostates stepped back as the Muslims poured into the garden. The fighting became more vicious. But Musailima was still fighting: he had no intention of giving up. As the front moved closer to him, he drew his sword and joined in the combat. The last phase of the battle now entered its climax. The [[Muslim]] army pressed the apostates everywhere and it was only the endeavours of Musailima which prevented a general collapse. Then Musailima came under the hawk-like gaze of the [[Wahshy ibn Harb]] (the same man who killed Hamza, the uncle of [[Muhammad]], in the [[Battle of Uhud]] before accepting [[Islam]]). He threw the same javelin that killed [[Hamza ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib]] and struck Musailima in the belly; the next moment [[Abu Dujana]] cut off his head. The news of the death of Musailima brought about a rapid collapse of the apostates. The garden where this last phase of the battle took place was named the ''"Garden of death"''. All the 7000 apostates were killed there.
Following the battle of Yamama all resistance in Arabia collapsed. After Yamama Caliph [[Abu Bakr]] sent [[Khalid ibn al-Walid]] to invade the [[Persian Empire]].