Hereward Carrington: differenze tra le versioni

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{{T|lingua=inglese|argomento=biografie|data=marzo 2011}}
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CarringtonNel was born in [[Saint Helier]]1899, [[Jersey]]all'età indi 1880.nove anni Heemigra emigratednegli toStati theUniti USAe insi 1899sistema and settled ina [[Boston, (Massachusetts)|Boston]] (Massachusetts), wheredove helavora workedinizialmente initiallycome as a journalistgiornalista. Inizialmente Initiallyscettico asulle scepticcapacità aboutpsichiche psychic abilitiesparanormali, hisil interestsuo grewinteresse fromcresce readingcon booksla onlettura thedi subjectlibri andsul atsoggetto thee ageall'età ofdi 19 hediventa joinedmembro thedella ''[[Society for Psychical Research]]'' (S.P.R.).<ref name=psychicscience>{{cita libro |cognome=Carrington|nome=Hereward|titolo=Story of Psychic Science|editore=Kessinger|data=1992 (ristampa)|pagine=5|isbn=1564592596, 9781564592590|url=|lingua=en}}</ref> ShortlyPoco afterwardsdopo hearrivato emigrated to thenegli [[UnitedStati States of America|USAUniti]], wheresi heiscrive joined the American branch of thealla S.P.R. andamericana begane work asinizia a journalistlavorare come giornalista. InNel 1905 heentra joineda thefar staffparte ofdel thepersonale dell'<nowiki></nowiki>''American Society for Psychical Research'', nowadesso constitutedcostituita ascome anun independentcorpo bodyindipendente, andlavorando workedcome asassistente assistantdel to the directordirettore [[James Hyslop]] untilfino al 1908.<ref name="ISS">{{cita web|url=|titolo=Hereward Carrington 1880-1958|anno=2004|opera=Website of the International Survivalist Society|accesso=21-02-2009|lingua=en}}</ref>
Carrington was born in [[Saint Helier]], [[Jersey]] in 1880. He emigrated to the USA in 1899 and settled in [[Boston, Massachusetts]], where he worked initially as a journalist. Initially a sceptic about psychic abilities, his interest grew from reading books on the subject and at the age of 19 he joined the [[Society for Psychical Research]] (S.P.R.).<ref name=psychicscience>{{cita libro |cognome=Carrington|nome=Hereward|titolo=Story of Psychic Science|editore=Kessinger|data=1992 (ristampa)|pagine=5|isbn=1564592596, 9781564592590|url=|lingua=en}}</ref> Shortly afterwards he emigrated to the [[United States of America|USA]], where he joined the American branch of the S.P.R. and began work as a journalist. In 1905 he joined the staff of the American Society for Psychical Research, now constituted as an independent body, and worked as assistant to the director [[James Hyslop]] until 1908.<ref name="ISS">{{cita web|url=|titolo=Hereward Carrington 1880-1958|anno=2004|opera=Website of the International Survivalist Society|accesso=21-02-2009|lingua=en}}</ref>
AnUn importantprimo earlycaso caseimportante Carringtoninvestigato investigatede anddescritto describedda wasCarrington thatè ofstato thequello della medium [[Eusapia Palladino#NaplesNapoli|Eusapia Palladino]] innel 1908. Su richiesta della S.P.R. inglese, Carrington ande twodue companionsamici wentarrivano toa [[NaplesNapoli]] toper see her on behalf of the English S.P.R.vederla,<ref name="Spence1">{{cita pubblicazione|cognome=Spence|nome=Lewis|titolo=Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Part 1|editore=Kessinger|anno=2003|numero=3°|volume=1
|id=ISBN 0766128156, ISBN 9780766128156|url=,M1|lingua=en}}</ref> anesperienza experiencequesta whichche strengthenedrafforza hisla beliefsua inconvinzione thesulla realityrealtà ofdei psychicfenomeni phenomenaparanormali. HeDescritta describednel hersuo in his 1909 booklibro ''Eusapia Palladino and Her Phenomena'', invitedpubblicato hernel to1909, theCarrington USAla andinvita helpednegli arrangeStati aUniti tourcontribuendo forad herorganizzarle un tour, butma wasresta shakenscosso whenquando fraudper wasdue twicevolte detected atalle sittingssedute duringdurante herla visitsua visita viene rilevata la frode. HeCarrington alsofece madeinoltre aun'inchiesta detailedminuziosa enquiry intonel the1910 caseriguardante ofil caso di Esther Cox (theil cosiddetto ''[[Great Amherst Mystery]]''). in 1910.Gli eventi Theintorno eventsal surroundingcaso Cox hadaccaddero occurredpiù moredi than thirty yearstrent'anni previouslyprima, butma Carrington contactedcontatta survivingi witnessestestimoni forsopravvissuti statementsper andottenere publishedinformazioni, apubblicando detailedun accountresoconto ofdettagliato thesui Amherstquesti phenomenafenomeni di Amherst.
AmongTra Carrington'si bestsoggetti knownmeglio subjectsconosciuti di Carrington c'è wasil [[Mina Crandon|Mina "Margery" Crandon]] whomosservato heda observedlui innel 1924 onper behalf of thela ''[[Scientific American]]'', asfacente partparte ofdi anun'inchiesta enquiryriguardante intolo [[Spiritualismspiritismo]], sittinge onpresenziando aad committeeuna alongsidecommissione insieme a [[Harry Houdini]], [[Malcolm Bird]], [[William McDougall]], [[Walter Franklin Prince]] ande [[Daniel Frost Comstock]]. TheLa committeecommissione hadaveva differingdiverse opinionsopinioni onsu Crandon, ande eventuallyalla onlyfine solo Carrington inclinedsi tomostra theincline a beliefcredere thatalla hergenuinità powersdei weresuoi genuinepoteri, althoughsebbene subsequentla evidenceprova ofsuccessiva possibledi fraudpossibile againfrode ledancora himlo tocondusse expressa esprimere dubbi nei doubtsriguardi aboutdi herlei,<ref name="Spence1" /> writingmantenendo thatuna he"mente perfettamente aperta" in maintainedmerito a "perfectlytali openfenomeni mind"fino abouta suchche phenomenal'evidenza pendingdei thefatti, arrivalin ofun bettermodo evidenceo onenell'altro, waynon orviene thea othergalla.<ref>{{cita libro|cognome=Carrington|nome=Hereward|titolo=The Story of Psychic Science|anno=1930|lingua=en}} Cited in Spence, op. cit.</ref>
Carrington gainedottenne hisil suo [[Doctor of Philosophy|Ph.D.]] innel 1918 fromal [[William Penn University|''William Penn College,'' (Iowa]]). InNel 1921 Carrington foundedfonda the [[l'<nowiki></nowiki>''American Psychical Institute]].'', il Itquale operatedresta foroperativo per onlysoli twodue yearsanni, butma hesuccessivamente laternel reconstituted1933 itlo inricostituirà 1933 ina [[New York]] withcon thel'assistenza assistancedi ofsua his wifemoglie Marie Carrington,. AmongTra otherle researchesaltre ricerche hefece madeuno astudio detailed study ofdettagliato thesulla medium [[Eileen J. Garrett]]. Il Carrington'slibro 1957di bookCarrington, ''The Case for Psychic Survival'', ispubblicato devotednel to1957 è dedicato a Garrett, ande hesembra appearsche toabbia have foundtrovato in herlei convincingla evidenceprova for, as he put it,convincente dell'"theesistenza existencedi ofentità mentalmentali entitiesindipendenti independentdal ofcontrollo the control of the mediummedianico".<ref name="Spence1" />
Carrington kepttiene extensiveregistrazioni recordsestese ofdella hissua researchricerca andinvestigativa investigations, ande correspondedcorrispondenza withcon notablepersonaggi figuresimportanti ofdel thegiorno daytra includingcui [[Israel Regardie]], [[Nandor Fodor]] ande [[Aleister Crowley]]. AUna largegrande collectionraccolta ofdei hissuoi writingsscritti ande correspondencecorrispondenza isè heldposseduta by(oltre Heidieh Croce the heir to Marie Carrington's Estate. Asche welldalla asbiblioteca thedi [[Princeton University]] library.<ref name="PUL website">{{cita web|url=|titolo=Hereward Carrington Papers, 1899-1973 |editore=Princeton University Library|accesso=17-02-2009|lingua=en}}</ref>), da Heidieh Croce l'erede della proprietà di Marie Carrington.
Carrington kept extensive records of his research and investigations, and corresponded with notable figures of the day including [[Israel Regardie]], [[Nandor Fodor]] and [[Aleister Crowley]]. A large collection of his writings and correspondence is held by Heidieh Croce the heir to Marie Carrington's Estate. As well as the [[Princeton University]] library.<ref name="PUL website">{{cita web|url=|titolo=Hereward Carrington Papers, 1899-1973 |editore=Princeton University Library|accesso=17-02-2009|lingua=en}}</ref>