Al-Basasiri: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 2:
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'''al-Basāsīrī'''<ref>''Nisba]]'' derivantegli dal primo padrone, Basāsīrī (o al-Fasāsīrī), che era della cittadina di Basā (o Fasā) nel [[Fars|Fāea]].<ref>Lemma «al-Basāsīrī» ([[Marius Canard]])), su: ''The [[Encyclopaedia of Islam]]''.</ref> (Abū l-Ḥārith Arslān al-Muẓaffar, m. 1059) era uno [[schiavo]] [[Turcico|turco]] che ascese tutti i gradi dell'esercito [[califfo|califfale]] diventando un [[generale]]. Si ribellò però all'autorità [[abbaside]], ammaliato dalla causa [[fatimide]] e organizzò una rivolta contro i [[Selgiuchidi]], auto-elettisi "tutori" del Califfato di [[Baghdad]].<ref>{{cite book |title=The Ismāʿīlīs: their history and doctrines |authorlink=Farhad Daftary |last=Daftary |first=Farhad |pages=195–198 |year=2007 |publisher=[[Cambridge University Press]] |isbn=978-0-521-61636-2 }}</ref>
Basasiri had been a favorite of the [[Buwayhid]] amir [[al-Malik al-Rahim]]. When the Buwayhids were expelled from Iraq by the Seljuks in 1055, Basasiri began a rebellion against their authority. The fighting dragged on for a few years with neither side able to gain a definitive advantage over the other. Basasiri eventually turned to the [[Fatimids]] for aid. They provided the necessary help and appointed him as Fatimid viceroy of Iraq.
Riga 10:
During the reign of the Abbasid Caliph Al-Qaim; Al-Basasiri constantly paid his due to the Caliph in Baghdad. Until at one point when the Saljuks were away in campaigns. Al-Basasiri put siege over Baghdad and claimed the leadership of the Fatimids as the only legitimate rule over Baghdad. This lasted one year. In 1059 Saljuks returned from campaign and Al-Basasiri was killed.