Canale Warren: differenze tra le versioni

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Didimo69 (discussione | contributi)
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Didimo69 (discussione | contributi)
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Riga 1:
Il '''canale Warren''' è un sito archeologico di [[Gerusalemme]] scoperto da [[Charles Warren]] alla fine del XIX secolo. Esso si dipana dalla città vecchia e raggiunge i pressi dell'[[oasi di Gihon]]. Dopo la sua scoperta si pensò che si trattasse dell'antico acquedotto della città, poichè esso poteva essere in grado di fornire acqua fresca (che era altrimenti difficile reperire) anche in tempi difficili come un assedio. Lo stretto ed alto passaggio si rivelò percorribile quando un membro dell'equipe di Warren si calò dall'alto al suo fondo.
Poichè nel [[Libro di Samuele]] si dice che [[Davide]] conquistò Gerusalemme dai suoi precedenti abitanti grazie alla scoperta da parte di [[Joab]] di un canale simile, <!--sneakingdal upquale asi similarinfiltrò waternella shaftcittà andper launchingsferrare un'attacco a surprisesorpresa, attacksi onpensò theche cityil fromcanale inside, it was long thoughtscoperto thatda Warren's shaftfosse waslo thestesso, shaftpoichè in question (withil [[Hezekiah'stunnel tunneldi Ezechia]] havingera toouna lateformazione atroppo date,tarda ande therenon beingerano nonoti otheraltri knownpassaggi candidates)simili.
Il canale è composto da quattro sezioni in sequenza:
The ''shaft'' is composed of four sections in sequence:
*a stepped tunnel []
*horizontal but curved tunnel []
*a 14 metre high vertical shaft []
*a feeding tunnel
*aun feedingripido tunnel
According to a number of archaeologists, the shaft is simply a widening of a natural [[fissure]] in the rock. The 14 metre high shaft, which has a pool of water at the base, is now not actually thought to have been part of the system. In 1998, while a [[visitor centre]] was being constructed, builders discovered that there was an additional passageway, about 2 metres higher and starting from the horizontal curved tunnel, that skirted the 14 metre vertical shaft, and continued to a pool much nearer the Gihon spring. The 14 metre shaft is too narrow, and the pool at its base too shallow, to have been functional, and archaeologists now believe that it is merely a natural fissure that the original excavators happened to breach during their dig towards the other pool. The higher passageway was not originally higher - at some point Warren's shaft was lowered (cutting into a geologically distinct type of rock), and ran into the 14 meter vertical shaft.
*un tunnel orizzontale
*un canale verticale alto 14 metri
*un tunnel di sbocco
AccordingSecondo toun acerto numbernumero ofdi archaeologistsarcheologi, theil shaftcanale isaltro simplynon aè wideningche ofl'ampliamento adi naturaluna [[fissure]]fessura innaturale thenella rockroccia. TheL'alto 14tunnel metredi high14 shaftmetri, whichche hasha aal poolfondo ofuna waterpozza at the based'acqua, issi nowpensa notfacesse actuallyparte thoughtdel tosistema have been part of the systemnaturale. InNel [[1998]], whilementre veniva costruito aun [[visitorcentro centrevisitatori]] was being constructed, buildersgli discoveredoperai thatscoprirono thereche wasesistevano anun additionalulteriore passagewaypassaggio, aboutalto circa 2 metresmetri highere andoltre, startingche frominiziava the horizontal curveddal tunnel orizzontale, thate skirtedfiancheggiava, theaggirandolo, 14il metrecanale vertical shaftverticale, andcontinuando continuedverso toil apozzo poolpiù muchvicino nearerall'oasi thedi Gihon spring. <!--The 14 metre shaft is too narrow, and the pool at its base too shallow, to have been functional, and archaeologists now believe that it is merely a natural fissure that the original excavators happened to breach during their dig towards the other pool. The higher passageway was not originally higher - at some point Warren's shaft was lowered (cutting into a geologically distinct type of rock), and ran into the 14 meter vertical shaft.
The pool reached by the higher passage was protected by a large tower, which was also discovered by the visitor centre builders, and is located outside the former city. The pool connects to the Gihon spring via a narrow channel, and the Gihon was itself protected by a large tower (also recently discovered). The pool itself may have been protected by a second tower, but this is uncertain as excavation of the southern side of the pool has not yet been carried out, since it lies under a current residential area.