Lingue altaiche: differenze tra le versioni

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{{F|lingue|maggio 2008}}
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|didascalia=Distribuzione delle lingue altaiche
Quella delle '''lingue altaiche''' è stat proposta come una [[famiglie linguistiche|famiglia linguistica]] che includerebbeinclude 60 [[Lingua (linguistica)|lingue]] parlate da circa 250 milioni di persone, particolarmente in [[Asia centrale]] e [[Asia orientale|orientale]]. La relazione tra le diverse lingue altaiche è ancora oggetto di dibattito e l'esistenza stessa di una famiglia altaica è stata messa in dubbio (per questo viene anche definita [[Superfamiglia (linguistica)|superfamiglia]] invece di famiglia linguistica). Alcuni studiosi considerano le evidenti similitudini tra queste lingue come eredità genetica, altri le considerano frutto di una [[lega linguistica]].
[[Immagine:altaico.jpg|300px|thumb|Distribuzione odierna delle lingue altaiche.
{{legenda|red|[[Lingue turche]]}}
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Secondo i suoi oppositori, la teoria altaica sarebbe basata soprattutto su similitudini di natura tipologica, come l'[[armonia vocalica]], la mancanza di [[genere grammaticale]], caratteristiche [[Lingua agglutinante|agglutinanti]] e [[Prestito linguistico|prestiti linguistici]]. In effetti i suoi sostenitori hanno raccolto una notevole quantità di corrispondenze grammaticali, lessicali e sintattiche tra i sottogruppi altaici (Ramstedt, Poppe, Martin, Starostin) ma gli oppositori spiegano questi fenomeni come principalmente dovuti a mutua influenza e a stretti contatti storici tra i parlanti altaici. In realtà la teoria altaica è condivisa da molti linguisti, sebbene alcuni propongano ipotesi differenti come quella che considera il gruppo altaico composto da tre diverse famiglie linguistiche (Doerfer, [[1963]]). Altri linguisti, come [[Bernard Comrie]] ([[1992]], [[2003]]), considerano la famiglia altaica come parte di insiemi più grandi quali il cosiddetto [[Lingue nostratiche|nostratico]]. Per contro, J. Marshall Ungar ([[1990]]) ha ipotizzato per il [[Lingua coreana|coreano]] ed il [[Lingua giapponese|giapponese]] l'appartenenza ad un sottogruppo altaico definito "macro-tunguso".
*Aalto, Pentti. 1955. "On the Altaic initial *''p-''." ''Central Asiatic Journal'' 1, 9–16.
*Blažek, Václav. 2006. [ "Current progress in Altaic etymology."] ''Linguistica Online'', 30 gennaio 2006.
*Boller, Anton. 1857. ''Nachweis, daß das Japanische zum ural-altaischen Stamme gehört.'' Vienna.
*Clauson, Gerard. 1956. "The case against the Altaic theory." ''Central Asiatic Journal'' 2, 181–187 []
*Clauson, Gerard. 1959. "The case for the Altaic theory examined." ''Akten des vierundzwanzigsten internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses'', edited by H. Franke. Wiesbaden: Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft, in Komission bei Franz Steiner Verlag.
*Clauson, Gerard. 1968. "A lexicostatistical appraisal of the Altaic theory." ''Central Asiatic Journal'' 13: 1–23.
*Doerfer, Gerhard. 1963. "Bemerkungen zur Verwandtschaft der sog. altaische Sprachen", 'Remarks on the relationship of the so-called Altaic languages'. In Gerhard Doerfer, ''Türkische und mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen, Bd. I: Mongolische Elemente im Neupersischen'', 1963, 51–105. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
*Doerfer, Gerhard. 1973. "Lautgesetze und Zufall: Betrachtungen zum Omnicomparativismus." ''Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft'' 10.
*Doerfer, Gerhard. 1974. "Ist das Japanische mit den altaischen Sprachen verwandt?" ''Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft'' 114.1.
*Doerfer, Gerhard. 1985. ''Mongolica-Tungusica.'' Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
*Doerfer, Gerhard. 1988. ''Grundwort und Sprachmischung: Eine Untersuchung an Hand von Körperteilbezeichnungen.'' Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
*Dybo, Anna V. and Georgiy S. Starostin. 2008. [ "In defense of the comparative method, or the end of the Vovin controversy."] ''Aspects of Comparative Linguistics'' 3, 109–258. Mosca: RSUH Publishers.
*Georg, Stefan, Peter A. Michalove, Alexis Manaster Ramer, and Paul J. Sidwell. 1999. "Telling general linguists about Altaic." ''Journal of Linguistics'' 35:65–98.
*Georg, Stefan. 1999 / 2000. "Haupt und Glieder der altaischen Hypothese: die Körperteilbezeichnungen im Türkischen, Mongolischen und Tungusischen" ('Head and members of the Altaic hypothesis: The body-part designations in Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic'). ''Ural-altaische Jahrbücher, neue Folge B'' 16, 143–182.
*Georg, Stefan. 2004. Review of ''Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages''. ''Diachronica'' 21.2, 445–450.
*Georg, Stefan. 2005. "Reply [to Starostin 2005]." ''Diachronica'' 22(2), 455–457.
*Johanson, Lars e Martine Robbeets 2010. [ ''Transeurasian Verbal Morphology in a Comparative Perspective: Genealogy, Contact, Chance.''] Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. (Includes contributions by Róna-Tas, Janhunen, Comrie, and others.)
*Kuzmina, Elena E. edited by [[J. P. Mallory]]. 2007. ''[ The Origin of the Indo-Iranians]''. BRILL. ISBN 978-9004160-54-5
*Lee, Ki-Moon and S. Robert Ramsey. 2011. ''A History of the Korean Language.'' Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
*Manaster Ramer, Alexis and Paul Sidwell. 1997. "The truth about Strahlenberg's classification of the languages of Northeastern Eurasia." ''Journal de la Société finno-ougrienne'' 87, 139–160.
*Menges, Karl. H. 1975. ''Altajische Studien II. Japanisch und Altajisch.'' Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
*Mallory, J.P. 1989. ''In Search of the Indo-Europeans.'' London: Thames and Hudson.
*Miller, Roy Andrew. 1971. ''Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages.'' Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-52719-0.
*Miller, Roy Andrew. 1980. ''Origins of the Japanese Language: Lectures in Japan during the Academic Year 1977–1978.'' Seattle: University of Washington Press. ISBN 0-295-95766-2.
*Miller, Roy Andrew. 1986. ''Nihongo: In Defence of Japanese.'' London: Athlone Press. ISBN 0-485-11251-5.
*Miller, Roy Andrew. 1991. "Genetic connections among the Altaic languages." In Sydney M. Lamb and E. Douglas Mitchell (editors), ''Sprung from Some Common Source: Investigations into the Prehistory of Languages'', 1991, 293–327. ISBN 0-8047-1897-0.
*Miller, Roy Andrew. 1996. ''Languages and History: Japanese, Korean and Altaic.'' Oslo: Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture. ISBN 974-8299-69-4.
*Patrie, James. 1982. ''The Genetic Relationship of the Ainu Language.'' University of Hawaii Press. ISBN 0-8248-0724-3.
*Poppe, Nicholas. 1960. ''Vergleichende Grammatik der altaischen Sprachen. Teil I. Vergleichende Lautlehre'', 'Comparative Grammar of the Altaic Languages, Part 1: Comparative Phonology'. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. (Only part to appear of a projected larger work.)
*Poppe, Nicholas. 1965. ''Introduction to Altaic Linguistics.'' Ural-altaische Bibliothek 14. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
*Poppe, Nicholas. 1976. [ Review of Karl H. Menges, ''Altajische Studien II. Japanisch und Altajisch'' (1975).] In ''The Journal of Japanese Studies'' 2.2, 470–474.
*Ramsey, S. Robert. 2004. ''Accent, Liquids, and the Search for a Common Origin for Korean and Japanese'', 'Japanese Language and Literature Vol.38, No.2, Special Issue: In Honor of Samuel E. Martin', American Association of Teachers of Japanese.
*Ramstedt, G.J. 1952. ''Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft II. Formenlehre'', 'Introduction to Altaic Linguistics, Volume 2: Morphology', edited and published by Pentti Aalto. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
*Ramstedt, G.J. 1957. ''Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft I. Lautlehre'', 'Introduction to Altaic Linguistics, Volume 1: Phonology', edited and published by Pentti Aalto. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
*Ramstedt, G.J. 1966. ''Einführung in die altaische Sprachwissenschaft III. Register'', 'Introduction to Altaic Linguistics, Volume 3: Index', edited and published by Pentti Aalto. Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura.
*Robbeets, Martine. 2004. [ "Swadesh 100 on Japanese, Korean and Altaic."] Tokyo University Linguistic Papers, TULIP 23, 99–118.
*Robbeets, Martine. 2005. ''Is Japanese related to Korean, Tungusic, Mongolic and Turkic?'' Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.
*Robbeets, Martine. 2007. "How the actional suffix chain connects Japanese to Altaic." In ''Turkic Languages'' 11.1, 3–58.
*Schönig, Claus. 2003. "Turko-Mongolic Relations." In ''The Mongolic Languages'', edited by Juha Janhunen, 403–419. London: Routledge.
*Starostin, Sergei A. 1991. ''Altajskaja problema i proisxoždenie japonskogo jazyka'', 'The Altaic Problem and the Origin of the Japanese Language'. Moscow: Nauka.
*Starostin, Sergei A., Anna V. Dybo, and Oleg A. Mudrak. 2003. ''Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages'', 3 volumes. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 90-04-13153-1.
*Starostin, Sergei A. 2005. "Response to Stefan Georg's review of the ''Etymological Dictionary of the Altaic Languages''." ''Diachronica'' 22(2), 451–454.
*Strahlenberg, P.J.T. von. 1730. ''Das nord- und ostliche Theil von Europa und Asia....'' Stockholm. (Reprint: 1975. Studia Uralo-Altaica. Szeged and Amsterdam.)
*Strahlenberg, P.J.T. von. 1738. ''Russia, Siberia and Great Tartary, an Historico-geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia....'' (Reprint: 1970. New York: Arno Press.) English translation of the previous.
*Street, John C. 1962. Review of N. Poppe, ''Vergleichende Grammatik der altaischen Sprachen, Teil I'' (1960). ''Language'' 38, 92–98.
*Tekin, Talat. 1994. "Altaic languages." In ''The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics'', Vol. 1, edited by R.E. Asher. Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press.
*Unger, J. Marshall. 1990. "Summary report of the Altaic panel." In ''Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology'', edited by Philip Baldi, 479–482. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
*Vovin, Alexander. 1993. "About the phonetic value of the Middle Korean grapheme {{unicode|ᅀ}}." ''Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies'' 56(2), 247–259.
*Vovin, Alexander. 1994. "Genetic affiliation of Japanese and methodology of linguistic comparison." ''Journal de la Société finno-ougrienne'' 85, 241–256.
*Vovin, Alexander. 2001. "Japanese, Korean, and Tungusic: evidence for genetic relationship from verbal morphology." ''Altaic Affinities'' (Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of PIAC, Provo, Utah, 1997), edited by David B. Honey and David C. Wright, 83–202. Indiana University, Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies.
*Vovin, Alexander. 2005. "The end of the Altaic controversy" (review of Starostin et al. 2003). ''Central Asiatic Journal'' 49.1, 71–132.
*Vovin, Alexander. 2010. ''Koreo-Japonica: A Re-Evaluation of a Common Genetic Origin''. University of Hawaii Press.
*Whitney Coolidge, Jennifer. 2005. ''Southern Turkmenistan in the Neolithic: A Petrographic Case Study.'' Oxbow Books.
*Greenberg, Joseph H. 1997. "Does Altaic exist?" In Irén Hegedus, Peter A. Michalove, and Alexis Manaster Ramer (editors), ''Indo-European, Nostratic and Beyond: A Festschrift for Vitaly V. Shevoroshkin'', Washington, DC: Institute for the Study of Man, 1997, 88–93. (Reprinted in Joseph H. Greenberg, ''Genetic Linguistics'', Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, 325–330.)
*Hahn, Reinhard F. 1994. [ ''LINGUIST List'' 5.908, 18 August 1994.]
*Janhunen, Juha. 1992. "Das Japanische in vergleichender Sicht." ''Journal de la Société finno-ougrienne'' 84, 145–161.
*Johanson, Lars. 1999. [ "Cognates and copies in Altaic verb derivation."] ''Language and Literature – Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages: Studies in Honour of Roy Andrew Miller on His 75th Birthday'', edited by Karl H. Menges and Nelly Naumann, 1–13. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz. (Also: [ HTML version].)
*Johanson, Lars. 1999. [ "Attractiveness and relatedness: Notes on Turkic language contacts."] ''Proceedings of the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Caucasian, Dravidian, and Turkic Linguistics'', edited by Jeff Good and Alan C.L. Yu, 87–94. Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
*Johanson, Lars. 2002. ''Structural Factors in Turkic Language Contacts'', translated by Vanessa Karam. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon Press.
*Kortlandt, Frederik. 1993. [ "The origin of the Japanese and Korean accent systems."] ''Acta Linguistica Hafniensia'' 26, 57–65.
*Martin, Samuel E. 1966. "Lexical evidence relating Korean to Japanese." ''Language'' 12.2, 185–251.
*Nichols, Johanna. 1992. ''Linguistic Diversity in Space and Time.'' Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
*Robbeets, Martine. 2004. [ "Belief or argument? The classification of the Japanese language."] ''Eurasia Newsletter'' 8. Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University.
*Ruhlen, Merritt. 1987. ''A Guide to the World's Languages.'' Stanford University Press.
*Sinor, Denis. 1990. ''Essays in Comparative Altaic Linguistics.'' Bloomington: Indiana University, Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies. ISBN 0-933070-26-8.
== Altri progetti ==