Duarte Pacheco Pereira: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 58:
== Possibile scoperta del Brasile ==
MostE' fortunatestato Prince,anche weipotizzato haveche knownDuarte andPacheco seenPereira howpossa inavere thescoperto thirdle yearcoste ofdi your[[Maranhão]], reign[[Pará]] ine the[[Marajó]] yearoltre ofche Ourdella Lordfoce 1498,del in[[Rio whichdelle yourAmazzoni]] Highnessnel ordered us to discover the Western region1498, aanticipando veryil largepossibile landmasssbarco withdelle manyspedizioni large[[Amerigo islandsVespucci]] withnel many large islands adjacent1499, extendingdi 70°[[Vicente NorthYáñez of the Equator,Pinzón]] andnel locatedgennaio beyond the greatness of the Ocean1500, hasdi been[Diego discoveredde andLepe]] navigated;nel thisfebbraio distant1500 lande isdi denselyCabral populatednell'aprile anddel extends1500, 28°rendendolo degreesquindi onil theprimo otheresploratore sideeuropeo of thedell'odierno Equator towards the Antarctic Pole[[Brasile]]. SuchQuesta isipotesi itssi greatnessasa andsull'interpretazione lengthdel thatmanoscritto oncifrato either''Esmeraldo sidede itsSitu end has not been seen or knownOrbis'', soscritto that it is certain thatda itDuarte goesPacheco round the whole globePereira.|<ref>''Esmeraldo de situ orbis'', [publishedpubblicato betweentra il 1506 anded il 1508], PartParte I, chcap. I, translatedtradotto anded editededito byda George Herbert Tinley Kimble, LondonLondra: 1937, p. 12. OriginalPortoghese Portugueseoriginale: ''Bemauenturado Príncipe, temos sabido e visto como no terceiro anno de vosso Reinado do hanno de nosso senhor de 1498, donde nos vossa alteza mandou descobrir a parte oucidental, passando alem ha grandeza do mar oceano, onde he achada a navegada hûa tão grande terra firme, com muitas e grandes ilhas ajacentes a ella, que se estende a setente graaos de ladeza da linha equinoçial contra ho pollo artico e posto que seja asaz fora, he grandemente pouorada, e do mesmo circulo equinocial torna outra vez e vay alem em vinte e oito graaos e meo de ladeza contra ho pollo antartico, e tanto se dilata sua grandeza e corre com muita longura, que de hûa parte nem da outra foy visto nem sabido ho fim e cabo della; pello qual segundo ha hordem que leua, he certo que vay en cercoyto por toda a Redondeza.''</ref>}}
It has also been suggested that Duarte Pacheco Pereira may have discovered the coasts of [[Maranhão]], [[Pará]] and [[Marajó]] island and the mouth of the [[Amazon River]] in 1498, preceding the possible landings of the expeditions of [[Amerigo Vespucci]] in 1499, of [[Vicente Yáñez Pinzon]] in January 1500, and of Diego de Lepe in February 1500; and the Cabral`s expedition in April 1500, making him the first known European explorer of present-day [[Brazil]]. This claim is based on interpretations of the cipher manuscript ''Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis'', written by Duarte Pacheco Pereira, which gives the following brief account:
Most fortunate Prince, we have known and seen how in the third year of your reign in the year of Our Lord 1498, in which your Highness ordered us to discover the Western region, a very large landmass with many large islands with many large islands adjacent, extending 70° North of the Equator, and located beyond the greatness of the Ocean, has been discovered and navigated; this distant land is densely populated and extends 28° degrees on the other side of the Equator towards the Antarctic Pole. Such is its greatness and length that on either side its end has not been seen or known, so that it is certain that it goes round the whole globe.<ref>''Esmeraldo de situ orbis'' [published between 1506 and 1508], Part I, ch. I, translated and edited by George Herbert Tinley Kimble, London: 1937, p. 12. Original Portuguese: ''Bemauenturado Príncipe, temos sabido e visto como no terceiro anno de vosso Reinado do hanno de nosso senhor de 1498, donde nos vossa alteza mandou descobrir a parte oucidental, passando alem ha grandeza do mar oceano, onde he achada a navegada hûa tão grande terra firme, com muitas e grandes ilhas ajacentes a ella, que se estende a setente graaos de ladeza da linha equinoçial contra ho pollo artico e posto que seja asaz fora, he grandemente pouorada, e do mesmo circulo equinocial torna outra vez e vay alem em vinte e oito graaos e meo de ladeza contra ho pollo antartico, e tanto se dilata sua grandeza e corre com muita longura, que de hûa parte nem da outra foy visto nem sabido ho fim e cabo della; pello qual segundo ha hordem que leua, he certo que vay en cercoyto por toda a Redondeza.''</ref>
However, in their book ''Foundations of the Portuguese empire, 1415-1580'', historians Bailey Wallys, Boyd Shafer and George Winius, based in the Portuguese historian [[Duarte Leite]] and other authors, make the following comment:
However, inNel theirloro booklibro ''Foundations of the Portuguese empire, 1415-1580'', historiansgli storici Bailey Wallys, Boyd Shafer ande George Winius, basedbasandosi insu thequanto Portugueseaffermato dallo historianstorico portoghese [[Duarte Leite]] ande otherda authorsaltri autori, makefecero theil followingseguente commentcommento:
<blockquote>"What really is important," Duarte Leite says, "is to know whether Pacheco arrived in Brazil before Alvares Cabral (April 22, 1500). In agreement with Luciano Pereira, such modern Portuguese historians as Faustino da Fonseca, Brito Rebelo, Lopes de Mendonça, and Jaime Cortesão say he did. . . as does Vignaud; and I believe he does not lack supporters in Brazil." "However," says Leite, "if Pacheco did discover areas east of the Line of Demarcation and did bring back news of this to [King] Manuel [of Portugal], the reason which induced Don Manuel to keep secret. . . such an important discovery escapes me. As soon as Cabral returned in 1501, Manuel announced the discovery of Brazil to Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. Why would he not in 1499, after the return of Vasco da Gama, make a similar announcement if Pacheco had already discovered Brazil? No objection could come on the part of Spain, given the division made by the Treaty of Tordesillas, as indeed none came in 1501 when Cabral's discovery was announced. I am persuaded that Pacheco neither discovered Brazil in 1498 nor was present two years later at its discovery by Cabral."<ref>Diffie, Bailey Wallys; Boyd C. Shafer; George Davison Winius ''Foundations of the Portuguese empire, 1415-1580'' University of Minnesota Press, Nov 1977 {{ISBN|978-0-8166-0782-2}} p. 452 [https://books.google.com/books?id=vtZtMBLJ7GgC&pg=RA1-PA451&lpg=RA1-PA451&dq=Duarte+Pacheco,+Brazil+1498&source=bl&ots=LdSJfhmqPT&sig=r9Elt70OOF_n8bw8iXa9C-Yc8O4&hl=en&ei=bWLrSc2RGp6RjAfC3ImbCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10#PRA1-PA452,M1]</ref></blockquote>
{{quote|"Quello che è realmente importante", dice Duarte Leite, "è capire se Pacheco sia arrivato in Brasile prima di Alvares Cabral (22 aprile 1500). In accordo con quanto affermato da Luciano Pereira, alcuni storici portoghesi moderni quali Faustino da Fonseca, Brito Rebelo, Lopes de Mendonça e Jaime Cortesão credono che l'abbia fatto... così come Vignaud; ed io credo che non gli mancassero sostenitori in Brasile". "In ogni caso", dice Leite, "se Pacheco scoprì la parte orientale della Linea di Demarcazione e ne portò la notizia a [re] Manuele [di Portogallo], la ragione che indusse Don Manuel a mantenere il segreto... di tale importante scoperta mi sfugge. Non appena Cabral fece ritorno nel 1501, Manuele annunciò la scoperta del Brasile a Ferdinande e Isabella di Spagna. Perché non avrebbe potuto nel 1499, dopo il ritorno di Vasco da Gama, fare un simile annuncio se Pacheco avesse già scoperto il Brasile? Nessuna obiezione sarebbe arrivata dalla Spagna in base alla divisione fatta dal Trattato di Tordesillas, dato che non arrivò nel 1501 quando la scoperta di Cabral fu annunciata. Sono convinto che Pacheco non scoprì il Brasile nel 1498, e che non fu neanche presente due anni dopo durante la scoperta di Cabral"|<ref>Diffie, Bailey Wallys; Boyd C. Shafer; George Davison Winius ''[https://books.google.com/books?id=vtZtMBLJ7GgC&pg=RA1-PA451&lpg=RA1-PA451&dq=Duarte+Pacheco,+Brazil+1498&source=bl&ots=LdSJfhmqPT&sig=r9Elt70OOF_n8bw8iXa9C-Yc8O4&hl=en&ei=bWLrSc2RGp6RjAfC3ImbCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10#PRA1-PA452,M1 Foundations of the Portuguese empire, 1415-1580]'' University of Minnesota Press, Nov 1977, ISBN 978-0-8166-0782-2, p. 452</ref>}}
L'opera ''Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis'' di Duarte Pacheco Pereira è il primo libro di un navigatore europeo a citare la costa del Brasile.
Duarte Pacheco Pereira's ''Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis'' is the first European navigation script book to mention the coast of Brazil.
== Matrimonio e discendenza ==