Southern by the Grace of God

Southern by the Grace of God è un album live del gruppo musicale southern rock statunitense Lynyrd Skynyrd, pubblicato nel 1988.

Southern by the Grace of God
album dal vivo
ArtistaLynyrd Skynyrd
Pubblicazionemarzo 1988
GenereSouthern rock
EtichettaMCA Records
Lynyrd Skynyrd - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Tracce modifica

  1. Introduction by Lacy Van Zant/Workin' for MCA (Ed King, Ronnie Van Zant) - 6:04
  2. That Smell (Allen Collins, Ronnie Van Zant) - 6:33
  3. I Know a Little (Steve Gaines) - 4:58
  4. Comin' Home (Allen Collins, Ronnie Van Zant) - 6:36
  5. You Got That Right (Steve Gaines, Ronnie Van Zant) - 4:33
  6. What's Your Name (Gary Rossington, Ronnie Van Zant) - 3:59
  7. Gimme Back My Bullets (Gary Rossington, Ronnie Van Zant) - 4:58
  8. Swamp Music (Ed King, Ronnie Van Zant) - 3:51
  9. Call Me the Breeze (J.J. Cale) - 7:29
  10. Dixie/Sweet Home Alabama (Ed King, Gary Rossington, Ronnie Van Zant) - 8:29
  11. Free Bird (Allen Collins, Ronnie Van Zant) - 14:51

Formazione modifica


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