I'm Lara, I work as Project manager for the project "Wikimania Esino Lario - Protagonismo culturale offline e online" for the Amici del Museo delle Grigne Onlus.

I also work for Arci (Associazione Ricreativa Culturale Italiana) promoting Popular Educational.

I believe that knowledge related to computer science and technological use of Internet could be a decisive factor in development for the person and for the community, especially when it embrace the concept of Open Source.

Esino Lario is a place that is very dear to me, because of my father's origins, I often spend time in Esino, as my passion for hiking leads me to walk along the many trails of Passo Agueglio and Cainallo... My love for Esino also brings me to hope and believe that Wikimania 2016 may give it better opportunity for growth and promotion of quality tourism, the effect of which may echo even beyond the event itself.

Lara Pensa

About myself: I'm not a morning person! I need my beauty sleep, and coffee! I enjoy playing Joele, my ukulele.