Der Scutt

architetto e designer americano

Der Scutt, nato Donald Clark Scutt (Wyomissing, 17 ottobre 1934New York, 14 marzo 2010), è stato un architetto e designer statunitense, noto per aver progettato una serie di edifici in tutta New York e negli Stati Uniti[1].

Scutt ha lavorato alla realizzazione della Trump Tower. I suoi altri edifici includono One Astor Plaza, 520 Madison Avenue, la sede della Continental Insurance Corporation a New York City e la sede della Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company a Milwaukee. Ha riprogettato il Grand Hyatt New York.




  • "The New American Skyscraper" by Paul Goldberger, New York Times Magazine cover story, November 8, 1981
  • "Trumping the Competition" Interiors Magazine cover story, June 1984
  • "Der Scutt: A profile" The Designer/Specifier August 1984.
  • Morgan, Ann Lee and Colin Naylor Contemporary Architects St. James Press 1987
  • Reynolds, Donald Martin Manhattan Architecture, Prentice Hall press 1988
  • Schwartz, Tony TRUMP: The Art of The Deal, Random House 1993.
  • "This Architect's Eyes Are Fixed Upon the Sea" by Rita Reif, The New York *Times September 5, 1993.
  • Metzger, Robert P. Der Scutt Retrospective, Pennsylvania Reading Public Museum, 1996.
  • Stern, Robert A.M. New York 1960, Monacelli, 1995
  • Gray, Susan Architects on Architects, McGraw Hill, 2001.
  • Stern, Robert A.M. New York 2000, Monacelli 2006

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