Discussione:Nomi di Dio nell'islam

- 5W - 13 September 2014 - n.11.13 - Al-Majid - http://al-quran.info/ - Al-Qur'ān - The Quran - To God belong the most beautiful names: invoke it with those. (Quran, VII: 180)

Translation of the name of God in the numbers 
49 Al-Majid The Illustrious 
66 Al-Majid The Illustrious (? Vd. No. 49), 
from Wikipedia. 
Al-Majid - in linguistics, homophony is the relationship that exists between two words that have the same pronunciation but different meaning. 
The word from the Greek DERIVES homo- (ὁμο-), "same", and Phone (φωνή), "voice, utterance." 
The meaning can be a synonymous pronounced in the same way and thought diversified. Written and / or spoken in different contexts. 

note: First printed in west Qur'an - Sura pioneering in the first edition appeared in Italy, in Venice, in 1537.

http://www.almajidtravel.com/#&panel1-1 - In linguistics, the homography handwriting indicates equality between two words of different meaning and etymology, though the two words are homophones and even then we speak more properly homonymy. Encryption mnemonic phrase from 2011 selfpriming and reversible in magazines The Week Puzzles, The Song of the Sibyl and the Sphinx, in classic puzzle, a game of considerable interest to fans of the genre. In a narrower sense, the selfpriming and reversible in turn is a diagram enigmistico and can therefore form the solution of a game that takes in turn the denomination of selfpriming and reversible. When parts of the game describe a word in more than two meanings are talking about polysemic. There were also games called "bisensi" in the plural. Today they have taken the name of a charade bisensi.

In the specific case is a treatment of honor, or just treatment, it is an honorific used in social life in regards to characters that have a title. Is erroneously used the term as a synonym of honor preached: in fact, with the predicate refers to a geographic location, which may form part of the name of all the descendants of those who hold a noble title. The treatments were distinguished from noble titles last real Sorting the status aristocratic Italian, (Articles 38 and 39), like the "noble qualifications." In this order, the distinction between "title" and "treatment" is not yet specified, but from a historical-legal two terms can be distinguished easily: the title refers to a function, while the treatment is a name used in social life. This difference between the two plans is still present and visible, such as the difference between r (Civil, title) and majesty (honorific, treatment), as well as between the bishop (Civil, title) and excellence (honorific, treatment ), or even between prince (Civil, title) and height (honorific, treatment). Clear, which is used as the title of university professors, as derived from the late Roman noble attribute. Many times it is also used in reference to famous people. Is shortened even in Chiar.mo, especially in the correspondence. 
So, Al-Majid The Illustrious, became Al-Majid the Chiarissimo or shiny, if you want a linguistic universalization. 

note: Abbasid Koran folio from Egypt - a sheet of parchment Koran age Abbasid (Egypt, IX-X century). The paper reports some verses of Sura 22, said al-Hajj, the pilgrimage.

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