
Ultimo commento: 16 anni fa di Archeologo

Da verificare, concordo ho trovato queste fonti:

sternomancy divination by observation of the area from the breast to the belly. Basically only recorded in Gaule, Blount &ast Urquhart. [NL sternomantia, Gk ���pvov (sternon) breast bone. Cf Gk ���pvo��v�ic (sternomantis) one who divines by the belly]

[1583 Weyer De praestigiis daemonum xiv.: sternomanteia]

1652 Gaule The Magastromancer xix. 165. ..Sternomancy, [divining] from the breast to the belly...

a1660 (1693) Urquhart tr. Rabelais Gargantua &ast Pantagruel iii. xxv. 133: By Sternomancy, which maketh nothing for thy Advantage, for thou hast an ill-proportion'd Stomach.

1777 Brand Popular Antiquities (1844) iii. 329. [citing Gaule]

1832 Hone Year Bk 1517/2: [citing Gaule (via Brand)]

1852 Mackay Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions 252. Sternomancy, by the marks from the breast to the belly. [citing Hone citing Gaule]

1897 Urquhart tr. Rabelais Works of Rabelais iii. xxv. 162. By sternomancy...

1904 Urquhart tr. Rabelais Gargantua &ast Pantagruel iii. xxv. 153. By sternomancy...

1951 Works of Rabelais III. xxv. 361 By sternomancy, which maketh nothing for thy advantage, for thou hast an ill proportioned stomach.

1959 Robbins Encyc. of Witchcraft and Demonology 139. [citing Gaule] Sternomancy, from the breast to the belly.

1986 F. Gettings Encyc. Occult In Dictionaries

1656 Blount Glossographia Sternomancy (sternomantia) divination by a mans breast.

[1632 Cotgrave Dictionarie of French &ast Eng. Tongues Sternomantie: f. Diuination by a man's breast.]

1912 Webs. New Int. Dict. sternomancy [minor words list]

1916 OED

1986 Urdang (ed.) -Ologies &ast -Isms (3rd ed.) 212. sternomancy a form of divination involving examination of the breastbone. NOTES: OED Gaule, Urq. only. L&astS says that ���pvo��v�ic = thumomantis &ast engastrimythos. In New Latin - C&aeliglius Calcagninus, Compendium amatoriæ magiæ (ed. Froben Bale, 1544) "Sternomantia, de pectoris habitudine ac reliqua corporis membratura sumens pr&aeligsagia."

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