Discussione:Wim Duisenberg

http://www.comedonchisciotte.org/site/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1782&mode=&order=0&thold=0 rièporta alcune circostanze "particolari" riguardo alla morte del banchiere, come toccò ad altri dirigenti tedeschi della banca centrale. non collegato a quanto detto sopra, il testo originale dell'affermazone su signoraggio è:

"Question: Mr. Tremonti, the Italian finance minister, proposed the adoption of EUR 1 and EUR 2 banknotes together with coins in order to prevent more rises in price. 74% of Italians agree with this proposal, and I want to know what you think about it and if you have discussed this in the European Central Bank. Thank you.

Duisenberg: We have no plans to introduce EUR 1 or EUR 2 banknotes, but we have also heard those noises. Of course, we have discussed it. We are assessing the implications of introducing such a banknote. In principle we have nothing against it, but we are assessing the implications and I hope that Mr. Tremonti realises that if such a banknote were to be introduced, he would lose the seigniorage which goes with it. So whether he, as a minister of finance, would be all that pleased, I do not know".( conferenza stampa di Willem Duisenberg, Francoforte 12.9.2002).

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