Discussioni Wikipedia:Modello di voce/Piante/Albero/Esempio

Pardon the English . . . a few points on botanical nomenclature, from the en:International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) and other international conventions:

(1) Ligatures (æ, œ) are not used in botanical Latin: Pinaceae, not Pinaceæ.

(2) Only genus and species are in italics, not family or higher ranks: Pinus pinea, Pinaceae, Pinales.

(3) Only the name of a species valid under the ICBN should be cited in full in the box, synonyms should be indicated as such: Picea abies (sinonimo P. excelsa)

(4) Author citations. The author of the first description of a taxon is cited without brackets: Pinus menziesii Mirbel, Pinus abies L.; if these taxa are then re-classified by another author, the first author is put in brackets, and the revising author not: Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco, Picea abies (L.) Karsten. Authors' names are abbreviated to an internationally agreed standard (Brummitt & Powell 1992): Carolus Linnaeus = L.; George Engelmann = Engelm.; etc.

en:User:MPF 21 Sep 2004

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