Don Edward Fehrenbacher

storico statunitense
(Reindirizzamento da Don E. Fehrenbacher)

Don Edward Fehrenbacher (Sterling, 21 agosto 192013 dicembre 1997) è stato uno storico statunitense.

Don Edward Fehrenbacher



Nato a Sterling, nello stato statunitense dell'Illinois, da Joseph Henry Fehrenbacher e Mary Barton, studiò al Cornell College e poi all'università di Chicago.

Sposò Virginia Ellen Swaney,[1] ed ebbe tre figli, Rush, Susan e David. Nel 1979 venne premiato con il premio Pulitzer per la storia per Dred Scott Decision. Fu docente di storia alla Stanford University..

  • Chicago Giant: A Biography of "Long John" Wentworth 1957
  • Prelude To Greatness: Lincoln In The 1850s, 1962
  • A Basic History of California, 1964
  • Abraham Lincoln: A Documentary Portrait Through His Speeches and Writings, 1964
  • California: An Illustrated History, 1968
  • Changing Image of Lincoln in American Historiographt, 1968
  • Era of Expansion 1800-1848, 1969
  • The Leadership of Abraham Lincoln, 1970
  • Manifest Destiny and the Coming of the Civil War, 1840-1861, 1970
  • Leadership of Abraham Lincoln, 1970
  • The Impending Crisis, 1976
  • Tradition, Conflict and Modernization, 1978
  • The Dred Scott Case: Its Significance in American Law and Politics, 1978
  • The Minor Affair: An Adventure in Forgery and Detection, 1979
  • The South and Three Sectional Crises, 1980
  • Slavery, Law, and Politics: The Dred Scott Case in Historical Perspective, 1981
  • Lincoln in Text and Context: Collected Essays, 1987
  • Abraham Lincoln: Speeches and Writings 1832-1858, 1989
  • Lincoln: Speeches and Writings: Volume 2: 1859-1865, 1989
  • Constitutions and Constitutionalism in the Slaveholding South, 1989
  • Sectional Crisis and Southern Constitutionalism, 1995
  • Recollected Words of Abraham Lincoln (completato con Virginia), 1996
  • The Slaveholding Republic: An Account of the United States government's Relations to Slavery (poi completato da Ward M. McAfee), 2001
  1. ^ Elizabeth A Brennan, Elizabeth C. Clarage, Greenwood Publishing Group, 1999, Who's who of Pulitzer Prize winners, pag 312, ISBN 978-1-57356-111-2.
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