Goffrey E. R. Lloyd

storico britannico

Geoffrey Ernest Richard Lloyd (Swansea, 25 gennaio 1933) è uno storico e uno storico della filosofia antica britannico. Professore emerito al Needham Research Institute dell'Università di Cambridge.

  • 1966. Polarity and Analogy: Two Types of Argumentation in Early Greek Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., ISBN 0-521-05578-4; reprint Bristol Classical Press, 1922. ISBN 0-87220-140-6.
  • 1968. Aristotle: The Growth and Structure of his Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr., ISBN 0-521-09456-9.
  • 1970. Early Greek Science: Thales to Aristotle. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN 0-393-00583-6.
  • 1973. Greek Science after Aristotle. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1973. ISBN 0-393-00780-4.
  • 1978. Aristotle on Mind and the Senses (Cambridge Classical Studies). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-21669-9.
  • 1978. with J. Chadwick. Hippocratic Writings (Penguin Classics). Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-044451-3.
  • 1979. Magic Reason and Experience: Studies in the Origin and Development of Greek Science. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-29641-2.
  • 1983. Science, Folklore and Ideology. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-27307-2.
  • 1987. The Revolutions of Wisdom: Studies in the Claims and Practice of Ancient Greek Science (Sather Classical Lectures, 52). Berkeley: Univ. of California Pr., ISBN 0-520-06742-8.
  • 1990. Demystifying Mentalities. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-36680-1.
  • 1991. Methods and Problems in Greek Science. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-39762-6.
  • 1996. Adversaries and Authorities: Investigations into ancient Greek and Chinese Science. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-55695-3.
  • 1996. Aristotelian Explorations. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-55619-8.
  • 2002. The Ambitions of Curiosity: Understanding the World in Ancient Greece and China. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-521-81542-8.
  • 2002. with Nathan Sivin. The Way and the Word: Science and Medicine in Early China and Greece. New Haven: Yale Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-300-10160-0.
  • 2003. In the Grip of Disease: Studies in the Greek Imagination. New York: Oxford Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-19-927587-4.
  • 2004. Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections: Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture. New York: Oxford Univ. Pr. ISBN 0-19-928870-4.
  • 2005. The Delusions of Invulnerability: Wisdom and Morality in Ancient Greece, China and Today. London: Duckworth. ISBN 0-7156-3386-4.
  • 2006. Principles And Practices in Ancient Greek And Chinese Science (Variorum Collected Studies Series). Aldershot: Ashgate. ISBN 0-86078-993-4.
  • 2007. Cognitive Variations: Reflections on the Unity and Diversity of the Human Mind. New York: Oxford Univ, Pr. ISBN 0-19-921461-1.
  • 2009. Disciplines in the Making, Oxford University Press, pp. viii + 215. ISBN 978-0-19-956787-4.

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