Progetto:GLAM/Share Your Knowledge/Example of letter in English

Un percorso di accompagnamento che facilita la collaborazione tra istituzioni culturali e Wikipedia.

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Example of letter. To be send to the institution promoting the Wikimedia partnership (Wikimedia chapter, affiliate, group or whatever) on the institution official letterhead.

[Name of the reference person]
[Name of the institution promoting the Wikimedia partnership (Wikimedia chapter, affiliate, group or whatever) /br> [address]
[phone number]

Object: Partnership with the Wikimedia projects

On behalf of the ... I would like to express our support to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects.

We believe a partnership with Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects ... [please write some comments on the reason why the institution wants to contribute to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects and establishing a partnership]

As a contribution, our institution will provide Wikipedia with ... [please provide a number] images and texts in public domain or with the license Creative Commons attribution share-alike ( Our institution will publish on its website a news about the project and it will send 3 e-mails/newsletters to its staff, collaborators and network to inform them about the initiative and invite them to contribute. Our institution is interested in collaborating with a Wikipedian in residence, a person who will contribute to Wikipedia with the documentation of our library, archive and collection.

[Please include if relevant] Our institution is interested in collaborating with a Wikipedian in residence, a person who contributes to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia project with our documentation (library, archive and collection) and who will support us in involving our staff and public in contributing to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia project (training, support).
Our institution is willing to host a Wikimedia event: a presentation of Wikipedia or a training event.

Please refer to ... [the name of the reference person] for any further communications.

[Place and date]
Name and position within the institution