Ferredossina-NADP+ reduttasi: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 17:
* {{Cita pubblicazione|autore=Shin, M., Tagawa, K. and Arnon, D.I.|titolo=Crystallization of ferredoxin-TPN reductase and its role in the photosynthetic apparatus of chloroplasts|rivista=Biochem. Z.|volume=338|anno=1963|pagine=84–96|id=}}
* {{Cita pubblicazione|autore=Omura, T., Sanders, E., Estabrook, R.W., Cooper, D.Y. and Rosenthal, O.|titolo=Isolation from adrenal cortex of a nonheme iron protein and a flavoprotein functional as a reduced triphosphopyridine nucleotide-cytochrome ''P''-450 reductase|rivista=Arch. Biochem. Biophys.|volume=117|anno=1966|pagine=660–673|id=}}
[[Categoria:EC 1.18.1]]