Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia: differenze tra le versioni

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RobertoReggi (discussione | contributi)
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{{T|lingua=inglese|argomento=|data=settembre 2006}}
La '''Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia''', o '''BHS''', è una edizione della Bibbia ebraica pubblicata dalla [[Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft]] (Società biblica tedesca) di Stuttgart ([[Stoccarda]], in Germania). Attualmente costituisce la versione di riferimento ufficiale del testo biblico ebraico-aramaico sia per i giudei che per i cristiani.
Il testo è una copia precisa (errori inclusi) del testo masoretico come è contenuto nel [[Codex Lenigradensis]] (L). L'unica differenza sostanziale è che 1-2 Cr compare in L prima dei Salmi, mentre nella BHS è stato spostato alla fine, in conformità con le altre bibbie ebraiche. Il libro di Giobbe precede Proverbi, come in L ma non nelle altre bibbie ebraiche.
It is widely regarded by both [[Judaism|Jews]] and [[Christianity|Christians]] as a reliable edition of the Hebrew and [[Aramaic]] scriptures (i.e., the [[Tanakh]] in Jewish terminology, the [[Old Testament]] in Christian terminology) and is substantially the most widely used original-language edition among scholars.
It is a revision of the third edition of the ''[[Biblia Hebraica]]'' edited by [[Rudolf Kittel]], the first Bible to be based on the [[Leningrad Codex]]. The footnotes are completely revised. It originally appeared in instalments, from [[1968]] to [[1976]], with the first one-volume edition in [[1977]]; it has been reprinted many times.
The text is an exact copy (barring a handful of errors) of the [[Masoretic Text]] as recorded in the [[Leningrad Codex]]. The only significant difference is that the [[Books of Chronicles]], which in the Codex precede [[Psalms]], have been moved to the end, which is where they are in other Hebrew Bibles. The [[Book of Job]] precedes the [[Book of Proverbs]], as in the Codex but unlike other Hebrew Bibles.
In the margin are [[Masoretic notes]]. These are based on those in the Codex, but have been heavily edited to make them more consistent and easy to understand. Even so, whole books have been written to explain these notes. For example, some notes are marked ''Sub loco'', meaning that there seems to be some problem, often that they contradict the text. The editors never published any explanation of what the problems were or how they might be resolved.
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Work is now under way to produce a revision, to be known as the [[Biblia Hebraica Quinta]] or Fifth Hebrew Bible, the BHS being regarded as the fourth version of the ''Biblia Hebraica''.
== LiteratureCronologia ==
1906: I edizione della ''Biblia Hebraica'' a cura di [[Rudolf Kittel]] a partire dal ''textus receptus'' di Ben Hayyim, contenuto nella Bibbia Bomberg stampata a Venezia nel 1524-5.
[[1925]]: Die Württembergische Bibelanstalt in Stuttgart übernimmt die Biblia Hebraica. (2. Ausgabe)
[[1937]]: Herausgabe der Biblia Hebraica (3. Auflage) durch Kittel, [[Otto Eißfeldt]], [[Albrecht Alt]] und [[Paul Kahle]] auf der Grundlage des Ben-Ascher-Textes (in Form des Leningrader Codex von [[1008]] n. Chr.) neu bearbeitet.
[[1955]]: Letzte Auflage der Biblia Hebraica. (9. Auflage)
[[1966]]-[[1967]]: Neubearbeitung der Biblia Hebraica und Umbenennung in Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia durch Karl Elliger und Wilhelm Rudolph.
It is a revision of the third edition of the ''[[Biblia Hebraica]]'' edited by [[Rudolf Kittel]], the first Bible to be based on the [[Leningrad Codex]]. The footnotes are completely revised. It originally appeared in instalments, from [[1968]] to [[1976]], with the first one-volume edition in [[1977]]; it has been reprinted many times.
[[1997]]: Letzte Neubearbeitung der Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. (5. Auflage)
[[2004]]: Veröffentlichung des ersten Bandes der BHQ
== Bibliografia==
BHS editions
* Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Hardcover: ISBN 3-438-05218-0, Paperback: ISBN 3-438-05222-9