Blue Rose: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 23:
Aldis è minacciato da dissidi interni e da rivali esterni, inclusa una organizzazione criminale nota come Il Silenzio.
<!--== ControversiesControversie ==
SomeAlcuni elementselementi of thedell'ambientazione Blue Rose setting aresono viewedconsiderati ascontroversi controversialdagli amongamanti RPGdel enthusiastsGdR. SomeAlcuni criticscritici havehanno accusedaccusato thegli writersautori ofdi creatingaver acreato settinguna thatambientazione istroppo toomoderna modern oro [[politically correct]] in its attitudes. TheL'influenza influencedi ofromanzi novels likecome ''[[TheLe MistsNebbie ofdi Avalon]]'' oro ''[[Arrows of the Queen]]'' ande altri romanzi ''Heralds of Valdemar'' di [[Mercedes Lackey]]'s otherè evidente in molti elementi dell''Heraldsambientaziones ofother Valdemar'' novels is evident in many elements of the setting, something some reviewers found off-putting.
The game's treatment of [[homosexuality]], which is accepted in the Kingdom of Aldis to the point that [[same-sex marriage]] is commonplace, has also raised objections in some circles. Marriages of more than two parties are also depicted as acceptable to most in the Kingdom of Aldis.