The origins of the festival are not well known, because its story has been handed down from generation to generation;changing. One of these legends says that a women asked a farmer to go up on his wagon to accompany her to Matera. When she arrived to the periphery of the city, she got off the wagon and asked farmer to bring an her message to bishop. In this message she said she was Christ's mother. The bishop, the clergy and the folk rusched to receive the Virgin, but they found a statue. So the statue of Madonna entered in the city on a triumphal wagon.

Another legend talks about a distruction of the wagon: saracens besiege Matera and the citizens to protect the painting of Madonna, hit it on a little wagon. then they destroyed the wagon to not let the saracens take the painting.

Different hypotheses are attributed to the name of Madonna della Bruna : the first one says that the noun derives from the Lombard high-medieval term brùnja (armor/protection of knights). So the name mean Madonna of defense. Another hypothese supports that the name comes from herbon, a city of Guinea, where the Virgin went to visit her cousin Elisabetta. The last hypotese says that the name comes fron the colour of the Virgin's face.

The profane insertions as the navalis wagon and its violent distruction, with the intimacy and the religious solemnity, make this festival an interesting event that sinks its roots in the ancient rappresentations that happened in a lot of mediterranean's countries. For example in greek culture celebrating also wedding parties through tiumphal wagon (ships on wheels richly designed) was recurring.

The Madonna's sculpture is located into a case in the trasept of the Cathedral, dedicated to her. Here there is also a fresco that portrays her. It dates back to the XIII century and it belongs to the byzantine school.


The Matinate are the way to celebrate the Matera's carneval , ancient tradition almost in disuse.

In the past, carneval period was also the time of the killing of porks: who owned more than 1 pork was quite wealthy to sustein a matinata, that is to receive the visit of relatives and acquaintances that couldn't afford pork meat. They, bringing music and cheerfulness, tasted freshly produced cured meats . With the matinata they could be able to enjoy like the others and with the others at least for one day. For few hours until the following morning, Matera's citizens made merry airily and without making a distinction between who was richer. If the master of the house didn't offer any wine, the matinata became a offensive song.

A typical popular musical instrument for the Matinata is the cupa cupa, a simple instrument of peasant origin. The cupa cupa with other instruments accompanies a lot of songs. Between these the Serenata. Today the tradition of Matinata has the only purpose to make merry.