Utente:Armin6/Linea del tempo del melanoma

Questo articolo organizza le principali scoperte relative al melanoma in ordine cronologico, sia nel campo della ricerca di base che nel campo della clinica (terapie principali volte ad eradicare la patologia). 

Anno/Periodo Scoperta/Terapia
Prima del 1750 Ippocrate fu il primo a registrare e descrivere il melanoma: da lui è originata anche l'omologa parola greca. Egli lo descrisse con due termini: melas, (oscuro); e oma, (tumore)  in Greek.[1] Later on, Highmore (1651) and Bonet (1651), among others, make numerous references to “fatal black tumors with metastases and black fluid in the body”.
1750s–1830s Period of first operations and definition of melanoma as a disease. John Hunter is recorded as the first to operate on a patient and Laennec is the first to distinguish melanoma as a disease separate from others. Carswell introduces the term melanoma.
1840s–1900s Knowledge progresses in treatment. Surgical anesthesia is adopted, and guidelines for surgical treatment against melanoma consolidate. Advanced melanoma is recognized as untreatable.
Twentieth century The etiology and genetic involvement in melanoma are discovered. Characteristics like skin, hair and eye color are found to have impact on melanoma development. Driver genetic mutations in melanoma are discovered.
1970s–1990s A growing number of studies in this period suggest that sun exposure plays an important role in the development of some melanomas. In the 1980s, the public health community and advocacy groups begin cautioning the public about the potential risks of sun exposure. Dermoscopy becomes available in the 1990s.
Present time Today, melanoma is treated by surgery, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.[2] Melanoma is more common in areas that are mostly Caucasian.[3]


  1. ^ Melanoma History, su news-medical.net.
  2. ^ cancer.org, http://www.cancer.org/cancer/skincancer-melanoma/detailedguide/melanoma-skin-cancer-treating-general-info.
  3. ^ ISBN 9283204298. Parametro titolo vuoto o mancante (aiuto)