
Il pielogramma (o pielografia o urografia) è una forma di imaging (diagnostica per immagini) della pelvi renale e dell' uretere.

I vari approcci della pielografia includono:

  • Intravenous pyelogram In which a contrast solution is introduced through a vein into the circulatory system. This is a form of anterograde pyelogram.
  • Retrograde pyelogram Any pyelogram in which contrast medium is introduced from the lower urinary tract and flows toward the kidney (i.e. in a "retrograde" direction, against the normal flow of urine).
  • Anterograde pyelogram (Also antegrade pyelogram) Any pyelogram where a contrast medium passes from the kidneys toward the bladder, mimicking the normal flow of urine.
  • Gas pyelogram A pyelogram that uses a gaseous rather than liquid contrast medium.