Utente:B.towa/Heritage studies and ICT 2020-2021





In the Italian article: Scheggino


The article was very poor, it was missing information, it was not updated and there were no images. First of all I updated the number of residents using the template of the infobox. The article was missing the geography section so I provided a brief description of the territory and a piece of information about the high seismic risk of the area.

I edited the history section by adding information and describing the important historical event happened in 1552 and the tensions among Guelphs and Ghibellins. The section was missing sources and references so I provided them, and I added hyperlinks that can direct users to other relevant Wikipedia articles. I also added:

-two festivals “il Canto della Pasquarella” and “la Festa delle Donne”

-an image of Scheggino through the template of the infobox. The image was retrieved from Wikimedia Commons using the correct attribution and license CC BY-SA 4.0:


I also contributed by adding various images on Wikimedia Commons, which I used for the Italian and English article as well. The pictures were taken by a friend of mine, therefore after asking her authorization and sending it to Wikimedia I uploaded the images with the Common License CC-BY-SA 4.0, georeferencing them and providing the necessary metadata.  The images are:









Finally I updated the name of the mayor in charge, who was appointed on 22 September 2020, in the table at the bottom of the article page and in the infobox.

In the English article: Scheggino


The English article of Scheggino was even poorer than the Italian one. I added the geography section and I provided a translation from Italian to English about the history section.

As I did in the Italian article, I used hyperlinks to connect the Nera river, the artist Giovanni Lo Spagna, the Duchy of Spoleto, the Guelphs and Ghibellins and the aristocratic families of Colonna and Orsini with their respective Wikipedia articles.

Finally, I added the same picture I had used in the Italian article with the correct attribution and license CC BY-SA 4.0.

In the Italian article: “Chiesa di San Salvatore”


Since the Basilica is part of the UNESCO serial property “Longobards in Italy. Places of the power (568-774 A.C.)”, which comprises seven sites, I listed the rest of the sites and I provided hyperlinks so that by clicking on them users are directed to the respective Wikipedia articles.

Then I mainly edited and added information in the history section about the different historical periods which influenced the architecture and the names attributed to the Basilica. I also read and checked whether the information about the architecture section were correct and I realized they did not need an editing.

Finally I added a brief clarification about the location in which the Basilica stands: “La basilica è parte integrante del cimitero monumentale di Spoleto e si erge sul colle Ciciano, fuori dalle mura medievali della città.”

In the English article: “Basilica of San Salvatore”


Despite being part of a UNESCO property, the article was missing most sections and provided only a very brief introduction with blended information about history and architecture. I therefore edited the introduction and I also added a citation from the UNESCO website (https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1318/) “marking the transition from Antiquity to the European Middle Ages” to highlight the importance that Lombards had on this heritage. As I did in the Italian article, I added the other six sites, which are part of the serial property “Longobards in Italy. Places of the power (568-774 A.C.)” and the clarification of the location in which the Basilica stands. I realized that the citation concerning the Italian architect Ireneo Aleandri directed to a dead link, so I substituted it with a correct source.

Since the article didn’t have a main picture on the right but only a gallery of a few pictures at the bottom, I added an image of the Basilica, which I found on Wikimedia Commons, using the correct attribution and license CC BY-SA 4.0:


Finally, I provided a translation from Italian to English of the history and architecture sections.


Italian articles:

1. Chiesa di San Salvatore, Spoleto

Chiesa di San Salvatore (Spoleto)#cite note-3

2. Comune di Scheggino


English articles:

3. Baislica of San Salvatore, Spoleto


4. Scheggino




In the English articles I used the discussion pages to state that I have provided a translation to English from the respective Italian Wikipedia articles. In the Italian articles I read and checked the links other users had edited and wanted a double check on, then I wrote down the contribution I have added.


Regarding the Italian article about the Basilica of San Salvatore I used the following book and websites as my sources:

-Lamberto Gentili, Luciano Giacchè e Bernardino Ragni, Bruno Toscano - L'Umbria manuali per il territorio: Spoleto, Edindustria Roma, 1978

-The official website of tourism in Umbria: https://www.umbriatourism.it/it/homepage

-The official website of the municipality of Spoleto: http://www.comune.spoleto.pg.it/turismoecultura/la-citta/chiese/basilica-di-san-salvatore-e-cimitero-monumentale/

I used the sources mainly to edit and add information about the section concerning the history of the church, defining the different historical periods that influenced its architecture and its name. I also added a brief clarification about the location in which the Basilica stands.

In the English article about the Basilica of San Salvatore I used:

-The UNESCO website: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1318/ from which I used a quotation to highlight the importance that Lombards had on this heritage.

-The official website of tourism in Umbria: https://www.umbriatourism.it/web/umbria/-/basilica-of-san-salvatore-spoleto

-The official website of the municipality of Spoleto: http://www.comune.spoleto.pg.it/turismoecultura/en/chiese/basilica-di-san-salvatore-e-cimitero-monumentale/

In the Italian article about Scheggino I used:

-Ubaldo Santi, Miscellanea: articoli pubblicati su "Spoleto 90" periodico della Pro Spoleto, 1992-2010

-L'Umbria manuali per il territorio: La Valnerina, Il Nursino, Il Casciano. Edindustria Roma

(Both books have been used in order to provide information about the history of Scheggino).

-The ISTAT website to update the number of residents http://demo.istat.it/popres/index.php?anno=2020&lingua=ita (I saw that in the template other users had updated the number of the population through this specific website and I did the same)

-Gazzetta Ufficiale https://www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/gu/2003/05/08/105/so/72/sg/pdf and Bollettino Ufficiale della Regione Umbria https://www.regione.umbria.it/documents/18/1983152/DGR_1111/a1cea192-741d-40e2-9a1d-d7e76d285b9d#:~:text=DELIBERAZIONE%20DELLA%20GIUNTA%20REGIONALE%2018,regionale%20dell'Um%2D%20bria to provide information about the high seismic risk of the territory.

-The official website of tourism in Umbria: https://www.umbriatourism.it/it/scheggino to provide information about the history and the territory of Scheggino.

-The department of the internal Affairs website: https://dait.interno.gov.it/elezioni/anagrafe-amministratori which was the same website used by other contributors to update the name of the mayor in charge.

-The official website of the municipality: http://www.comunescheggino.it/index.php/it/eventi to add two of the main festivals that take place in Scheggino.



When I created my user page in the Italian Wikipedia I accidentally wrote everything in English but I have soon been welcomed to the community and reminded that it wasn’t English Wikipedia and I should have written in Italian; so I corrected it and created a user page in the English Wikipedia as well.

I also made a little mistake when writing the Italian article of Scheggino, by repeating the Italian preposition word “per” twice. However, that was deleted a couple of days after I had edited the article by another user. Also a small lint error regarding the mayor in charge was fixed by another user in the table at the bottom of the article page. That made me realize that the articles I contribute to on Wikipedia are actually read by other users and that my contributions could be helpful for giving the deserving web presence to cities, towns, heritage sites and monuments; Wikipedia allows us to create a huge teamwork aiming at making the knowledge of heritage accessible to everyone in a participatory way.

Lastly, even though I provided citations and sources in the Italian article of Scheggino, Wikipedia still shows that there is a lack of references in the history section.