Utente:Cesco 82/Appunti/Expo 2010 Elenco organizzazioni internazionali

Voce principale: Utente:Cesco 82/Appunti.
  1. World Trade Organization
  2. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
  3. International Council of Museums
  4. World Intellectual Property Organization
  5. United Nations Environment Programme
  6. United Nations Capital Development Fund
  7. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
  8. International Maritime Organization
  9. International Atomic Energy Agency
  10. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  11. The Group on Earth Observations
  12. European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
  13. Association of Southeast Asian Nations
  14. World Organization of United Cities and Local Governments
  15. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
  16. United Nations Human Settlements Programme
  17. International Energy Agency
  18. World Health Organization
  19. Global Environment Facility
  20. Le Forum Francophone des Affaires
  21. International Development Information Network Association
  22. International Telecommunication Union
  23. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  24. Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
  25. United Nations Population Fund
  26. World Wide Fund For Nature
  27. The United Nations Children's Fund
  28. Caribbean Development Bank
  29. Caribbean Community and Common Market CARICOM
  30. Boao Forum for Asia
  31. World Trade Centers Association
  32. The Pacific Islands Forum
  33. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  34. The South Pacific Tourism Organisation
  35. World Meteorological Organisation
  36. African Union
  37. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
  38. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
  39. League of Arab States
  40. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
  41. World Water Council
  42. United Nations
  43. The World Bank
  44. United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  45. The World Tourism Organization
  46. The Commonwealth of Independent States
  47. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
  48. International Association of Public Transport