• Team Fortress 2 grande rilevanza per en:loot box, storytelling, Free-to-Play e hero shooter (es. Overwatch, Apex Legends). Successo critico/commerciale. (qui)
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, importante sparatutto tattico per il successo colossale come utenza e come Esport, innovazioni soprattutto in quest'ultimo campo. Anche molto discusso per via delle loot box e della conseguente diffusione dell'azzardo tra i minori. (1 2 3 4 5 6 + qui)
  • Overwatch, attualmente il "capitano" degli sparatutto a classi/eroi, importante Esport (en:Overwatch League) e successo notevole con critica/pubblico (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

Ho provato a fare un elenco suddiviso per anno:

  • 1991: Hovertank 3D/Catacomb 3-D
  • 1992: Wolfenstein 3D/Spear of Destiny (IGN)
  • 1993: Doom (IGN, RPS)
  • 1994: Doom II (IGN), Marathon (trama) (IGN, RPS)
  • 1995: Hexen (IGN), Descent e The Terminator: Future Shock (primi giochi full 3D)
  • 1996: Duke Nukem 3D (IGN), Quake (IGN, RPS)
  • 1997: Quake II (IGN), GoldenEye 007 (IGN), Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II (elementi rpg)
  • 1998: Unreal (IGN), Half-Life (IGN, RPS)
  • 1999: Counter-Strike (IGN)(IGN2) e Team Fortress (entrambi come mod), Aliens versus Predator (IGN, GR), Unreal Tournament (IGN), Quake III Arena (IGN, RPS), System Shock 2 (IGN)
  • 2000: Daikatana, Perfect Dark (IGN), The Operative: No One Lives Forever (trama, elementi stealth) (IGN, RPS), Deus Ex (IGN)
  • 2001: Serious Sam: The First Encounter (primo ritorno al gameplay classico) (IGN, RPS), Halo: Combat Evolved (IGN, RPS), Return to Castle Wolfenstein (IGN)
  • 2002: Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, America's Army
  • 2003: Call of Duty
  • 2004: Far Cry (IGN), Doom 3 (IGN), Killzone, Half-Life 2 (IGN, GR, RPS), Halo 2 (IGN), The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (IGN, RPS)
  • 2005: Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (IGN), Battlefield 2 (IGN), F.E.A.R.(IGN, RPS), Call of Duty 2 (IGN, RPS)
  • 2006: Prey (IGN), Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas
  • 2007: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (IGN, RPS), Halo 3 (IGN, GR), Portal, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (IGN, RPS), Crysis (IGN, RPS), BioShock (IGN)
  • 2008: Left 4 Dead (IGN), Far Cry 2 (IGN, RPS)
  • 2009: ARMA 2, Halo 3 ODST (IGN), Borderlands (IGN), Left 4 Dead 2 (IGN, GR, RPS)
  • 2010: BioShock 2 (RPS), Metro 2033 (IGN)
  • 2011: Portal 2, Duke Nukem Forever, Deus Ex: Human Revolution (IGN), Rage, Bulletstorm (IGN, GR, RPS)
  • 2012: Far Cry 3 (IGN), Dishonored, Borderlands 2 (GR)
  • 2013: BioShock Infinite (IGN, GR)
  • 2014: Wolfenstein: The New Order (GR, RPS)
  • 2015: Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege (GR, RPS)
  • 2016: Doom (GR, RPS), Overwatch, Battlefield 1, Titanfall 2 (GR, RPS)
  • 2017: Prey (GR), Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus (RPS), Destiny 2 (GR, RPS)
  • 2018: Far Cry 5, Dusk (gameplay "alla Quake")
  • 2019: Apex Legends, Ion Fury (gameplay "alla Duke Nukem 3D")
  • 2020: Doom Eternal

--BuzzBomber 14:27, 13 apr 2020 (CEST)