


Manuela Salvi (born 1975) is an Italian writer of children’s fiction. Twice banned in her home country, she usually works with controversial topics and challenging themes.

Early Life


Salvi grew up in Southern Italy and gained a degree (BA Hons) in Graphic Design at the Higher Institute for the Creative Industries (ISIA) in Urbino.

She wrote and published her first picture book, Princesses have no willy, when she was 30, and gradually wound up her career in graphic design to write for children on a full time basis. She began to work for the largest publisher in Italy, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, first as a copyeditor and later as an English-to-Italian translator.



Salvi has translated many important British and American children’s authors, such as R.L. Stine, A.F. Harrold, and Jerry Spinelli. She is now the official translator for the new edition of Enid Blyton’sThe Famous Five.

In 2012, Salvi founded the Italian Children’s Writers Association, the first such association in Italy. It now counts over 70 members and will be chaired by Salvi until December 2018.




In 2012 her YA novel about underage prostitution and grooming of girls for sex, now published in the UK by Barrington Stoke as Girl Detached, was covertly banned and recalled from bookshops within a few months of publication, due to the explicit content being judged too obscene for teenager readers. In 2015 her first picture book, Princesses have no willy, was included by the Mayor of Venice in a blacklistof children’s books to be banned from public schools and libraries. The book tells the story of a boy who wants to be a princess, and was accused of undermining traditional family values.



Jacqueline Wilson Scholarship


In 2015 Salvi was awarded the Jacqueline Wilson Scholarship at Roehampton University for a Ph.D in creative writing and children’s literature. Her research focuses on the role of age banding in pre- and self-censorship.

  • Girl Detached (UK, 2016)
  • Practising Writing (nonfiction, 2013)
  • A handbook for superboys and supergirls with no superpowers (2013)
  • Mandolin Rock – from Naples to New York (2012)
  • It will be beautiful to die together (2010)
  • Help! I’m in London on my own! (2010)
  • At the end of the rails (France, 2009)
  • The cannon lady’s trip (France, 2007)
  • Alessia Benassi series (2008-2010)
  • Baaabette out of the flock (2006)
  • Princesses have no willy! (2005)

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