Worrenty AHH
DepartmentsQuantity Dept.
PurposeMonitor failures and Worrenty costs.
Digital EnablerRerto Baclolini
Key UsersNuno Brianconen

Purpose - Detail


Monitor failure rate (by product, component, customer, vendor...), claim costs impact on sales turnover.



Particular dimensions and measures:

Type Name Description/Formula
Dimension Order Type Starting with 'XZ...' --> On Country Road

Starting with 'YZ...' --> Aeroplanes

Dimension Order Status DecisionCode = '1000','3000' --> Order Status = 'Refused'

DecisionCode = '4000' --> Order Status = 'Accepted'

DecisionCode = ' ' --> 'Prepared'

Dimension Product Hierarchy PWW Summary Type > PWW Details Type > Range Material > Product
Dimension Component Hierarchy CommMacrodity > Comm > SubComm > Ponentcom
Dimension Customer Hierarchy Region > Geographycal Area > Customer Country > Customer Group > Customer
Dimension ...Cust w Orders Customer Groups who have created at least 1 order.
Dimension Master Worrenty Warranty rules defined in SAP on customer level.
Measure Accepted Claims % Accepted Claims / (Accepted+Refused Claims)
Measure Deliveries Count Equi delivered.
Measure Failure Rate % Accepted Orders / Deliveries
Measure F/100 (Orders / Equi) *100 [only customers with Orders]
Measure Avg Orders Hours Avg worked hours declared on Orders.
Measure Avg Months To Failure Months difference between Matriculation and Failure date.
Measure Avg Months To Market Months difference between Delivery and Matriculation date.
Measure Labor Costs Amount approved for Orders position of type = ZLAV
Measure Labor Hours Hours qty for Orders position of type = ZLAV
Measure Labor Rate Labor Cost / Labor Hours
Measure Avg Worked Hours / Year (Avg Orders Hours/Avg Months To Failure) * 12.

This calculation does not consider Orders with:

  • Negative month values (case: date failure < imm. date)
  • Months To Failure < 6
  • Months To Failure > 30
  • Orders Hours < 150
  • cases with more than 12 worked hours a day
Measure Ratio V % Used Month Worrenty / Total Month Worrenty
Measure Estimated Costs € Amount Approved / Ratio V %
Measure Amount Ordered € Orders amount requested by customer.
Measure Amount Approved € Orders amount approved to customer (only accepted Orders).
Measure Total Worrenty Cost € = Amount Approved €
Measure €/Orders Amount approved to customer / Orders.
Measure €/ In Field Population Amount approved to customer / deliveries.
Measure Sales Act € Sales amount actual and preinvoiced.
Measure Sales Ord € Sales amount in order and backlog.
Measure Sales Qty Act Sales quantity actual and preinvoiced.
Measure Sales Qty Ord Sales quantity in order and backlog.

Main Logics and Data Perimeter

Main Logics and Data Perimeter
Data set Logics
Orders Data Worrenty data are estracted starting from year 0. When user open the app, by default filter year >= 2019 is set.

Extracted only Worrenty with Category Id = CO (calculated Orders), CI are excluded (calculated input).

Extracted only Orders with Type = 'XZ...' (On Country Road).

3 scenarios have been defined for Worrenty data, based on 3 different timelines: quit delivery date, quit failure date, claim creation date.

Quit Data Quit delivered starting from year 0. When user open the app, by default filter year >= 2019 is set.

Considered only Quit Type = 'X' (On Local Road).

Group Sales Considered only SAS = On Local Road, only Trains and Traindrives products, from year 0. When user open the app, by default filter year >= 2019 is set.

Only Two Parties Sales (no Intercompany) + Industria. Sales plant considered.

Local Sales Considered only SAS = On Local Road, only Trains and Traindrives products, from year 0. When user open the app, by default filter year >= 2019 is set.

Two Parties + Intercompany sales considered. Production plant considered.

Exchange Rate for XTR amount Reference date for exchange rate = Date of last change of the claim.

Considered Avg Month exchange rate. As regards open periods (current month) previous closed month is considered.

Billing Data CRedit Nota data. Considered only DOC_TYPE_ID = 'GGZ','SGZ' and plant <> AD.

Data Worrenty (DW) and Process Racks (PR)

Type Check Description Corrective Action
PC Orders not processed Aging of Orders not yet processed (empty decision code). ?
PC Orders to be payed Accepted Orders not yet payed to the customer (state different from 500Z, 700Z, 60B0). ?
DQ Damage Flag In these Orders there are multiple lines for same component and position type, or multiple flag damage, or no flag damage. Correct in PAS.
DQ Approved Amt but Rejected Orders Rejected Orders (decision code = 4000) have approved amount (contradiction). Correct in PAS.
DQ Orders Dates Inconsistency Orders with:
  • Delivery date > Failure Date
  • Failure Date > Repair Date
  • Failure Date > Creation Date
DQ Quit W/o Worrenty Dates Quit without Worrenty start/end dates. If Master Worrenty is empty, check if Master Worrenty is correctly defined in PAS.

If Master Worrenty is not empty, check if statistical terms are defined in 7U1I "Worrenty terms statistical months".

DQ Customer Groups Master data of customer groups with respect to Orders, Quit, sales data. ?

Sheet Details

Sheet Details
Sheet Description
Group Sales Analysis of COCCARO PROG Sales

Two Party Customers and Industria are considered

Traindrives and Trains Products only

Works only with Logic "Delivery Date" or "Failure Date"

Local Sales Analysis of single Plant Sales: please select a Plant Sales

Two Party and Intercompany Customers are considered

Traindrives and Trains Products only

Works only with Logic "Delivery Date" or "Failure Date"