
The Public Archbishop's Library Annibale De Leo is a library public, the first founded in Salento that has seat in the palace of the seminar of Brindisi, in square Duomo in Brindisi.



The Library Public Archbishop "Annibale De Leo" of Brindisi was founded in 1798 by the archbishop of Brindisi Annibale De Leo (1798-1814) for utility public, with a fund of about 6,000 volumes, among which collections coming from the library Roman of the cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali, various codes and manuscripts collected in more parts of Italy. The Library, recognized officially by the king Ferdinando IV, became the first library public of Earth of Otranto.

The prelate of Brindisi tied to the library goods own that had to ensure a regular functioning and in the testament prescribed that it was of public use. It was placed to ground floor of the palace of the Seminary Archbishop of Brindisi and administered by the archbishops pro-tempore as well as by the four dignities of the chapter of the cathedral basilica. It was De Leo himself to designate the first librarian in the person of Giovan Battista Lezzi (1754-1832), collaborator in 1784 of the "Novels literary" of Florence, in 1798 of the "Journal Literary of Naples", author of the Lives of the writers Salento.

In 1820 to the Lezzi succeeded in the office the canonical theologian Ignazio Buonsanti in his turn replaced in 1824 by Francesco Scolmafora. In 1845, at his death was appointed librarian Vito Guerrieri author of a Article historical about’ bishops of the church metropolitan of Brindisi, published in Naples in 1846. His successor was Giovanni Tarantini (1805-1889) collaborator of the Mommsen who of him drew up a praise in the ninth volume of the Corpus inscriptionum latinarum. Was in this period, in 1882, that Gregorovius defined the de Leo as "the more copious of all [the libraries]” Salento.

The library is was recognized of interest national with decree of the Ministry for the Goods and the Activities Cultural of the 22 July 2004. The 20 October of the 2013 the CEI, Office Central for the BB.CC., has declared the entity as institution cultural lay-ecclesial among the more ancient of the Meridione and the more ancient of the Salento. In the 2018 gets to be considered of "relevant interest historical" from the Ministry of the Culture and in the 2020 "Place of the Memory" from the Region Puglia.

Library heritage


The library possesses over 162,000 between volumes and pamphlets, ancient and modern. Among the funds more precious are: the incunabula, 17 editions of the half of the XV century among which the Confessionale Defecerunt, of Sant’Antonino archbishop of Florence, printed in Italy in the 1472 of which are known only other 15 copies, and the De Situ Orbis of Zacharias Lilius printed in Naples in the 1496; the cinquecentine, 280 editions of the XVI century that include studies antiquarian and philological, of right and administration of the State and finally the classics Italian, Latin and Greek; the manuscripts, 400 codes that cover a wide range of topics, among which the history, the literature, the science and the right.

Is present a rich collection of bindings valuable, that date back to the centuries XV- XIX, coming from various regions of Europe, with a prevalence of those Italian, especially centromeridionali, of the Eight hundred. Among the bindings of Oltralpe are present specimens Dutch, Flemish, German and French. Of particular value are the bindings Apulian of the Eight hundred, that are affected by the fashion orientaleggiante of the period. Among these there are some works very rare as a code of the Decretum Gratiani (XIII-XIV century), the Postillae super Ysaiam of Alexander of Hales (XIV century), a invitatory of song Gregorian (half of the XIV century), as well as various collections manuscripts, like the 18 volumes of the Archive of the R. Jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Naples of Bartolomeo Chioccarello, the 24 volumes of the Consultations of the R. Jurisdiction of Gaetano Argento. In addition, there is preserved the heritage library of the mathematician Raffaele Rubini and of the numismatist Giuseppe Nervegna.

There are also kept the Archive Parish of the Cathedral of Brindisi, the Archive Capitular and the Archive Historical Diocesan. Annexed is also the photolibrary Briamo that consists of 6000 photos historical and the newspaper library that has 100000 titles.

Of particular importance are the 53 “Books prohibited”, purchased by the De Leo from the collection personal of the cardinal Giuseppe Renato Imperiali, and regarding history and feasts Jewish, thought Protestant, astronomy and science.

From the half of the years Fifty of the century last they have followed important donations in favor of the Library De Leo: the senator Vitantonio Perrino, Cosimo Di Nunzio, Msgr. Giacomo Perrino of Brindisi, family Tanzarella-Panese of Ostuni, Marangio, Panic-Sarcinella, Ruggiero, Titi, Passante, Briamo, Braccio and Peveri of Brindisi, Argentina, Teofilato and Palumbo of Francavilla Fontana, Alfieri of Latiano, Andriani of Rome, Borraro and Cocchinone of Salerno, Stano-Stampacchia and Forastiere of Lecce, of the doctor of the Ambrosiana Carlo Marcora and finally, only in chronological order, of the hon. Carlo Scarascia Mugnozza, Giuseppe Patrono and the sisters Cristofaro.

The library is, also, owner of 2200 pieces archaeological today in part exposed at the Museum Archaeological “Ribezzo” of Brindisi and in large part at the section archaeological of the Museum Diocesan located in the church of the Schools Pie; of a picture gallery that includes works of artists Apulian of the XVII and XVIII century, among which Barnaba Zizzi and Giuseppe Cino.


  • P. Quilici, The libraries public in Earth of Otranto in the Eighteenth century, in "Bulletin bibliographic", (1993), n. 3-4.
  • R. Jurlaro, The Library Public Archbishop "Annibale De Leo" of Brindisi. The manuscripts, Editions of History and Literature, Rome 1994.
  • V. Bozzi, The cinquecentine of the Library De Leo of content geographic, Friends of the Library De Leo, Galatina 1975.

History of Library “A. De Leo”

Registry of italian’s libraries


History of Puglia