Utente:Giaccai/Sandbox/Open data

Verifica della qualità
delle voci presenti in Wikipedia
in ambito Open Access

voci mancanti

Voce voce esempio
Open data in Italia  frOpen data in France
Informa en Informa e https://informa.com/
Research Works Act en:Research Works Act
Wellcome Trust en:Wellcome Trust
Thomson Reuters en:Thomson Reuters
SHERPA en:SHERPA (organisation)
Peter Suber en:Peter Suber

da migliorare

Voce voce esempio
Sci-Hub fr:Sci-Hub. en:Sci-Hub
The_Cost_of_Knowledge en:The_Cost_of_Knowledge
Dichiarazione di Berlino Berlin Declaration
Metadato en:Metadata
Revisione_paritaria en:Peer review
Rivista_accademica en:Academic journal
Fattore di impatto en:Impact factor
Journal Citation Reports

verificare qualità


altra lista Tabella

altra lista

Article topics English Español Français Italiano Deutsch Wikidata Scholia query
Citation Citation Referencia bibliográfica Référence bibliographique Riferimento bibliografico Quellenangabe Q1713 Q1713
Citation analysis Citation analysis Análisis de citas x x Zitationsanalyse Q206276 Q206276
I4OC Initiative for Open Citations I4OC x x x Q29188397 Q29188397
Open Citations OpenCitations OpenCitations x x x Q29279836 Q29279836
Citation index Citation index Índice de citación Indice de citation Indice di citazione Zitationsdatenbank Q206290 Q206290
Citizen science Citizen science Ciencia ciudadana Sciences participatives Citizen science Citizen Science Q1093434 Q1093434
DIY science x x x x x x x
Creative Commons Creative Commons Creative Commons Creative Commons Creative Commons Creative Commons Q43449 Q284742
Creative Commons licenses Creative Commons license Licencias Creative Commons Licence Creative Commons Licenze Creative Commons Creative-Commons-Lizenz Q284742 Q284742
Public domain Public domain Dominio público Domaine public

(propriété intellectuelle)

Pubblico dominio Gemeinfreiheit Q19652 Q19652
Altmetrics Altmetrics Altmetrics x Altmetrics Altmetrik Q14565201 Q14565201
Altmetrics manifesto x x x x x x x
article-level metrics article-level metrics x x x x Q17004430 Q17004430
DORA San Francisco Declaration

on Research Assessment

Declaración de San Francisco Déclaration_de_San-Francisco x x Q14704287 Q14704287
H-index H-index Índice h Indice h Indice H H-Index Q310663 Q310663
Impact factor Impact factor Factor de impacto Facteur d'impact Fattore di impatto Impact Factor Q5330 Q5330
Leiden manifesto x x x x x x x
Open peer review Open peer review Revisión por pares en abierto x x Offenes Peer-Review Q1999993 Q1999993
Peer review Peer review Revisión por pares Évaluation par les pairs Revisione paritaria Peer-Review Q215028 Q215028
DFG (german funder) Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Fondation allemande

pour la recherche

x Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Q707283 Q707283
FP (1-9) Framework Programmes for

Research and Technological


Programa Marco Programme-cadre_pour_la_recherche


x https://de.wikipedia.


Q1438124 Q1438124
Horizon 2020 x Horizonte 2020 Horizon 2020 Horizon 2020 [Horizont 2020 Q13583472 Q13583472
NWO (dutch funder) Netherlands Organisation

for Scientific Research

x x x Nederlandse _Org. Wetenschappelijk_Onderzoek Q129724 Q129724
Science Europe Science Europe x x x x Q17101611 Q17101611
Science funding Funding of science Financiamiento_


Financement_de_la_recherche x Forschungsförderung Q372353 Q372353
ZonMW (dutch funder) x x x x x Q14528354 Q14528354
Crossref Crossref Crossref CrossRef x x Q5188229 Q5188229
DataCite DataCite DataCite DataCite x DataCite Q821542 Q821542


ORCID Q51044 Q51044
template for ISNI reference Template:Authority_control/ISNI Plantilla para

una referencia ISNI

x x x Q6705075 Q6705075
template for ORCID reference template ORCID Plantilla para

referenciar ORCID

x x x Q14937479 Q14937479
arXiv arXiv ArXiv arXiv arXiv ArXiv Q118398 Q118398
Berlin declaration Berlin_Declaration_on_Open_Access



Declaración de Berlín (conocimiento científico) Déclaration de Berlin

sur le libre accès

à la connaissance

Dichiarazione di Berlino

sull'accesso aperto

alla letteratura scientifica

Berliner Erklärung über

offenen Zugang zu

wissenschaftlichem Wissen

Q453725 Q453725
Bethesda Statement Bethesda Statement on Open Access Publishing Declaración de Bethesda x x x Q4898000 Q4898000
biorxiv BiorXiv Biorxiv x x BioRxiv Q19835482 Q19835482
BOAI Budapest Open Access Initiative Budapest_


dp: Open_Archives_Initiative x Budapest Open

Access Initiative

Q1000655 Q1000655
CyberLeninka x CyberLeninka x x x Q16663267 Q16663267
EIFL Electronic Information for Libraries x Electronic_Information


x Electronic Information

for Libraries

Q1326085 Q1326085
Institutional repository Institutional repository Repositorio institucional x Deposito istituzionale x Q1065413 Q1065413
Open Access Open access Acceso abierto Libre accès (édition scientifique) Open access Open Access Q232932 Q232932
Open Archives Initiative Open archives initiative x Open_Archives_Initiative Open_Archives_Initiative Open Archives Initiative Q1640343 Q1640343
Paywall Paywall Muro de pago Paywall Paywall Paywall Q910845 Q910845
Preprints (author manuscript/early version) Preprint Prepublicación Prépublication x Preprint Q580922 Q580922
Public Library of Science Public Library of Science Public_Library_


Public_Library_of_Science Public_Library_


Public Library of Science Q233358 Q233358
RePEc Research Papers in Economics Research_Papers_


RePEc x Research Papers

in Economics

Q206316 Q206316
Self archiving Self-archiving x x Autoarchiviazione x Q1028005 Q1028005
SPARC Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition x Coalition de l'édition

savante et des ressources académiques

x Scholarly Publishing

and Academic Resources


Q647039 Q647039
SSRN Social Science Research Network Social_Science_


x x Social Science Research


Q7550801 Q7550801
The Cost of Knowledge The Cost of Knowledge x The Cost of Knowledge The Cost of Knowledge The Cost of Knowledge Q1340139 Q1340139
Data citation principles x x x x x x x
Data management plan (DMP) Data_management_plan Plan de gestión de datos Plan de gestion des données x x Q17085509 Q17085509
FAIR data x Datos FAIR FAIR data x x Q29032648 Q29032648
FAIR principles x Principios FAIR x x x Q29032644 Q29032644
GO FAIR x Go FAIR x x x Q49984485 Q49984485
Open data Open data Datos abiertos Open_data Dati aperti Open Data Q309901 Q309901
The Hague declaration x x x x x x x
Zenodo Zenodo Zenodo Zenodo Zenodo Zenodo Q22661177 Q22661177
Cape Town declaration Cape Town Open Education Declaration x x x x Q4904892 Q4904892
Open educational resources (OER) Open_educational_resources Recursos educativos abiertos Ressources éducatives libres Risorse didattiche


Open Educational Resources Q116781 Q116781
Open hardware Open source hardware Hardware_libre Matériel libre Hardware libero Open-Source-Hardware Q159172 Q159172
Amsterdam call for action Amsterdam Call for Action on Open Science x x x x Q23758766 Q23758766
COS Center for Open Science Center for Open Science Center_for_Open_Science x x Q16972305 Q16972305
EOSC x x x x x Q29051497 Q29051497
NPOS (the plan in the Netherlands) x x x x x Q47528328 Q47528328
Open science Open science Ciencia abierta Science_ouverte x Offene Wissenschaft Q309823 Q309823
Open science data Open_science_data x x Open_science_data x Q17072965 Q17072965
OSF x x x x x x x
Panton Principles Panton_Principles Principios Panton x Principi_Panton x Q3922035 Q3922035
TOP guidelines x Directrices TOP x x x x x
Vienna Principles x Principios de Viena x x x x x
Github GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub GitHub Q364 Q364
Open source Open source model Código abierto Open source Open source Open Source Q39162 Q39162
Open source software Open source software Software_de_código_abierto x x x Q1130645 Q1130645
Software citation principles x x x x x Q26941501 Q26941501
BASE search engine BASE (search engine) BASE BASE_(moteur_de_recherche) x Bielefeld Academic

Search Engine

Q448335 Q448335
Commons Commons x Communs x Commons Q9828451 Q9828451
Force11 x x x x x Q29032523 Q29032523
Knowledge commons Knowledge Commons x Biens communs informationnels x Wissensallmende Q1668313 Q1668313
maintenance of 'categories' Category:Open_science x x x x Q8701101 Q8701101
Manuscript (incl. accepted autor -) Manuscript x x x x Q2376293 Q2376293
Open content Open content Contenido_abierto x Contenuto_aperto x Q1293664 Q1293664
Open definition The Open Definition x x x Offen-Definition Q21605525 Q21605525
Open Knowledge Foundation Open Knowledge International Open_Knowledge_Foundation Open_Knowledge_Foundation Open_Knowledge_


Open Knowledge Foundation Q233015 Q233015
Open standard Open stardard Estándar_abierto x Standard_aperto Offener Standard Q681263 Q681263
Peer-to-peer Peer-to-peer Pair à pair Peer-to-peer Peer-to-Peer Q161410 Q161410
Scholarly commons x x x x x x x
Scholarly method Scholarly method x x x x Q17079481 Q17079481
Scientific method Scientific method Método_científico Méthode_scientifique Metodo_scientifico x Q46857 Q46857
Scientific misconduct Scientific misconduct Fraude_científico Fraude_scientifique x Betrug und Fälschung

in der Wissenschaft

Q428632 Q428632
STM (organisation) International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers x x x x Q6048595 Q6048595
Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge Conocimiento_tradicional x Sapere_indigeno Traditionelles Wissen Q1428168 Q1428168
Open Notebook Science Open notebook science Open notebook science x x x Q2000003 Q2000003
Preregistration x x x x x x x
Protocols (Science) Protocol (Science) Protocolo de investigación x x Versuchsprotokoll Q367158 Q367158
Replication x Replicación x x x x x
Replication crisis Replication crisis Crisis de replicación Crise de la reproductibilité x x Q25303778 Q25303778
Reproducibility Reproducibility Reproducibilidad_y_repetibilidad Reproductibilité Riproducibilità Reproduzierbarkeit Q1425625 Q1425625