
Pietrodn aveva cominciato a lavorare ad un tool che avevo richiesto (Wikipedia:Richieste tecniche#Link a sezioni_inesistenti). Stava venendo bene, ma c'era ancora da lavorarci sopra. Però Pietrodn ha lasciato perdere prima della fine. Spero che prima o poi torni a riprenderlo, oppure che qualcun altro toolserverista volenteroso possa finirlo al posto suo. Visto però che se non erro, se il proprietario di un account su Toolserver.org non rinnova l'account ogni sei mesi, questo viene completamente disattivato (con buona pace di coloro che utilizzavano i tool ivi presenti!), mi faccio un salvataggio qui dell'ultima versione del codice sorgente di Pietrodn. Sarebbe un peccato se andasse perso per sempre.

Il tool era qui, ed alcune funzionalità andavano già bene. Non so bene come mai ora non funzioni proprio più (ora -marzo 2010- dice sempre che non trova la pagina indicata).

Codice sorgente


Ultima versione di Pietrodn: rev. 53, del 19/09/2009.

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    include_once 'pietrodnUtils.php';
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="it" lang="it" dir="ltr">
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		<meta name="keywords" content="section links toolserver pietrodn" />
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		<title>Section Links - Wikimedia Toolserver</title>
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		<a name="top" id="top"></a>
		<div id="siteNotice"><?php print_globalnotice(); ?></div>		<h1 class="firstHeading">Section Links</h1>

		<div id="bodyContent">
			<h3 id="siteSub">Wikimedia Toolserver - Pietrodn's tools.</h3>
			<!-- start content -->
			<p>This tool shows inexistent section links from or to a page. It follows redirects, but if the starting page is a redirect the tool doesn't follow it.</p>

<form id="ListaForm" action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get">
<label id="wikiDb">Choose your project:
<select name="wikiDb">
    ts_projectchooser($_GET['wikiDb'], $allWikis); // $allWikis passed by reference!
<div style="float:left; margin-right:5px;">
$directions = Array('from'=>'From: ', 'to'=>'To: ');
foreach($directions as $i=>$label)
        $selected='checked="checked" ';
    echo "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"wikiDirection\" value=\"$i\" $selected/> $label<br />";
<input type="text" size="20" name="wikiPage" value="<? print htmlentities($_GET['wikiPage'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?>" />
<br style="clear:both;" />
<input type="submit" value="Show" />

    define('MAX_API_CALLS', 20);
    $apiCalls = 0;
    class SectionLinkList
        private $arr = Array();
        public $wikiHost = '';
        const NOPAGE_LINK = 1;
        const ANCHOR_LINK = 2;
        function __construct($wh)
            $this->wikiHost = $wh;
        function add($from, $to, $section, $flags=0)
            $hash = md5($from . $to . $section);
            if(array_key_exists($hash, $this->arr))
                $this->arr[$hash]['count'] += 1;
            } else {
                $this->arr[$hash]['from'] = str_replace('_', ' ', rawurldecode($from));
                $this->arr[$hash]['to'] = str_replace('_', ' ', rawurldecode($to));
                $this->arr[$hash]['section'] = str_replace('_', ' ', rawurldecode($section));
                $this->arr[$hash]['flags'] = $flags;
                $this->arr[$hash]['count'] = 1;
        function printList()
                echo "<p>No results.</p>";
            } else {
                echo '<ul>';
                foreach($this->arr as $hash=>$row)
                    $linkUrl = rawurlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $row['to'] . '#' . $row['section']));
                    $fromUrl = rawurlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $row['from']));
                    $from = htmlspecialchars($row['from'], ENT_NOQUOTES);
                    $to = htmlspecialchars($row['to'], ENT_NOQUOTES);
                    $sect = htmlspecialchars($row['section'], ENT_NOQUOTES);
                    $nopage = $anchor = $samepage = $doublespace = '';
                    if(($row['flags'] & self::NOPAGE_LINK) == self::NOPAGE_LINK)
                        $nopage = ' nopage';
                    if(($row['flags'] & self::ANCHOR_LINK) == self::ANCHOR_LINK)
                        $anchor = ' (Warning: there is an anchor with this name!)';
                    if($from == $to)
                        $samepage = ' samepage';
                    if(strpos($row['section'], '  ') !== FALSE)
                        $doublespace = ' (Warning: double space in section link!)';
                    $count = $row['count'];
                    $wh = $this->wikiHost;
                    echo "<li><a href=\"http://$wh/w/index.php?title=$fromUrl\">$from</a> → <a href=\"http://$wh/w/index.php?title=$linkUrl\"><span class=\"$nopage$samepage\">$to</span><span class=\"canc\">#</span>$sect</a> ($count)$anchor$doublespace</li>";
                echo '</ul>';
    $wikiDb = addslashes($_GET['wikiDb']); // A little more security
    if(!$_GET['wikiDb'] and !$_GET['wikiDirection'] and !$_GET['wikiPage'])
        print "";
    else if(!$_GET['wikiDb'] or !$_GET['wikiDirection'] or !$_GET['wikiPage'])
        printError('Some parameters are missing.');
    else if(!in_array($wikiDb, $allWikis))
        printError('You tried to select a non-existent wiki!');
    else if(!in_array($_GET['wikiDirection'], array_keys($directions)))
        printError('Error specifying the direction.');
        $db_host = preg_replace("/(.*?)_p/", "$1-p.db.toolserver.org", $wikiDb);
        if($DEBUG) {
            $db_host = 'localhost';
            //$wikiDb = 'itwikibooks';

        $wikiHost = getWikiHost($wikiDb);
        $pageForUrl = rawurlencode($_GET['wikiPage']);
        $pageText = getPageText($_GET['wikiPage'], FALSE);
            printError("The page that you entered doesn't exist in this wiki.");
        } else if($_GET['wikiDirection'] == 'from') {
            echo "Links to inexistent sections in the specified <a href=\"http://$wikiHost/wiki/$pageForUrl\">page</a> (<a href=\"http://$wikiHost/w/index.php?title=$pageForUrl&action=edit\">edit</a>):\n";
            $linkList = new SectionLinkList($wikiHost);
            preg_match_all('/\[\[([^\]|]*)#([^\]|]+)(\|[^\]]+)?\]\]/', $pageText, $linkedMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
            foreach($linkedMatches as $linkedMatch)
                $linkedPage = $linkedMatch[1];
                $linkedSect = str_replace('_', ' ', rawurldecode($linkedMatch[2]));
                if($linkedPage == '' || $linkedPage == $_GET['wikiPage'])
                    $linkedPage = $_GET['wikiPage'];
                    $linkedText = $pageText;
                } else {
                    $linkedText = getPageText($linkedPage);
                $flags = 0;
                if($linkedText == '')
                    $flags |= SectionLinkList::NOPAGE_LINK;
                if(!hasSection($linkedSect, $linkedText) || $_GET['wikiPage'] == $linkedPage)
                    if(hasAnchor($linkedSect, $linkedText))
                        $flags |= SectionLinkList::ANCHOR_LINK;
                    $linkList->add($_GET['wikiPage'], $linkedPage, $linkedSect, $flags);
        } else if($_GET['wikiDirection'] == 'to') {
            // Links pointing to the specified page
            echo "Links to inexistent sections pointing to the specified <a href=\"http://$wikiHost/wiki/$pageForUrl\">page</a> (<a href=\"http://$wikiHost/w/index.php?title=$pageForUrl&action=edit\">edit</a>):\n";
            echo '<ul>';
            // Get references
            $references = getReferences($_GET['wikiPage']);
            $references[] = array('title' => $_GET['wikiPage'], 'revisions' => array(0 => array('*' => $pageText))); // Adding the start page page as possible reference, as it's not included in backreferences.
            $refList = new SectionLinkList($wikiHost);
            foreach($references as $row)
                $refPage = $row['title'];
                $refText = $row['revisions'][0]['*'];
                $pageForRegexp = preg_replace('/[ _]/', '[ _]', preg_quote($_GET['wikiPage'], '/'));
                preg_match_all('/\[\[(' . $pageForRegexp . ')' . 
                    ($refPage == $_GET['wikiPage'] ? '?' : '') . // Destination page can be omitted only if source = dest.
                    $refText, $refMatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);  
                foreach($refMatches as $refMatch)
                    $flags = 0;
                    $refSect = str_replace('_', ' ', rawurldecode($refMatch[2]));
                    if(!hasSection($refSect, $pageText) || $_GET['wikiPage'] == $refPage)
                        if(hasAnchor($refSect, $pageText))
                            $flags |= SectionLinkList::ANCHOR_LINK;
                        $refList->add($refPage, $_GET['wikiPage'], $refSect, $flags);
    function getReferences($page, $queryContinue='')
        global $wikiHost, $apiCalls;
        if(++$apiCalls > MAX_API_CALLS)
            printError('Max. API call limit exceeded (' . MAX_API_CALLS . ')');
        $pageForUrl = rawurlencode($page);
        $req = curl_init("http://$wikiHost/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&generator=backlinks&gbltitle=$pageForUrl$queryContinue&rvprop=content&redirects&format=php");
        curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $ser = curl_exec($req);
        $unser = unserialize($ser);
        $references = $unser['query']['pages'];
        // Recursive function for query-continue
        if(array_key_exists('query-continue', $unser))
            $qc = '&gblcontinue=' . $unser['query-continue']['backlinks']['gblcontinue'];
            return array_merge($references, getReferences($page, $qc));
        } else {
            return $references;
    function hasSection($sectName, $text)
        return preg_match('/(=+) *' . preg_quote($sectName, '/') . ' *\1/', $text);
    function hasAnchor($anchorName, $text)
        return preg_match('/id="[^"]*\b' . preg_quote($anchorName, '/') . '\b[^"]*/', $text);
    function getPageText($page, $followRedirects=TRUE)
        global $wikiHost, $apiCalls;
        static $textCache = array();
        if(array_key_exists($page, $textCache))
            return $textCache[$page];
        if(++$apiCalls > MAX_API_CALLS)
            printError('Max. API call limit exceeded (' . MAX_API_CALLS . ')');
        $redirects = '';
        $pageForUrl = rawurlencode($page);
        $req = curl_init("http://$wikiHost/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=$pageForUrl&rvprop=content$redirects&format=php");
        curl_setopt($req, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
        $ser = curl_exec($req);
        $unser = unserialize($ser);
        $singlePage = array_shift($unser['query']['pages']);
        $pageText = $singlePage['revisions'][0]['*'];
        $textCache[$page] = $pageText;
        return $pageText;
			</div><div id='catlinks' class='catlinks'><div id="mw-normal-catlinks"><a href="/~interiot/cgi-bin/tstoc" title="Toolserver Table of Contents">Categories</a>: <span dir='ltr'><a href="/~interiot/cgi-bin/tstoc?sortby=hits&tag=links" title="links">links</a></span> | <span dir='ltr'><a href="/~interiot/cgi-bin/tstoc?sortby=hits&tag=lists" title="lists">lists</a></span></div></div>			<!-- end content -->
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				 <li id="ca-nstab-project" class="selected"><a href="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" title="The tool [t]" accesskey="t">tool</a></li>

				 <li id="ca-source"><a href="https://fisheye.toolserver.org/browse/pietrodn/php/<?php ts_print_scriptname() ?>" title="See the source code of this tool [s]" accesskey="s">source</a></li>

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