Utente:GiroGoose/bozza esistenzialismo cristiano

L'esistenzialismo cristiano è un ramo della filosofia esistenzialista che ha sviluppato approci con la teologia cristiana. Tale scuola di pensiero è stata ideata da Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855).

Il pensiero generale dell'esistenzialismo cristiano verte sugli studi filosofici di Kierkegaard sul Cristianesimo. Kierkegaard sostiene che l'universo è fondamentalmente paradossale, e che questo paradossi è l'unione trascendentale di Dio e l'uomo mediante Gesù Cristo. Kierkegaard propose che ciascuna persona deve fare scelte indipendenti che accompagnano la sua esistenza. proposed that each person must make independent choices, which will then constitute his existence. No imposed structures—even Biblical commandments-[citation needed]can alter the responsibility of each individual to seek to please God in whatever personal and paradoxical way God chooses to be pleased. Each person suffers from the anguish of indecision until he makes a "leap of faith", and commits to a particular choice. Each human being is faced first with the responsibility of knowing of his own free will, and then with the fact that a choice, even a wrong one, must be made in order to live authentically.[citation needed]

Kierkegaard also upheld the idea that each person exists in one of three spheres (or planes) of existence: the aesthetic, the ethical, and the religious. Most people, he observed, live an aesthetic life in which nothing matters but appearances, pleasures, and happiness. It is in accordance with the desires of this sphere that people follow social conventions. Kierkegaard also considered the violation of social conventions for personal reasons (e.g., in the pursuit of fame, reputation for rebelliousness) to be a personal aesthetic choice. A much smaller group are those people who live in the ethical sphere, who do their best to do the right thing and see past the shallow pleasantries and ideas of society. The third and highest sphere is the faith sphere. To be in the faith sphere, Kierkegaard says, one must give the entirety of oneself to God.