
Saint Pietro apostle's church is Senigallia's and homonym diocese's cathedral.



The actual cathedral, the fifth in order of time, was built thanks to the architect Paolo Posi's plan on the site of a earlier Jesuit church at the end of the XVIII century, between 1762 and 1790, when it was consecretedon 4th July. Pope Pio IX, who was born in Senigallia, had the front built based on Agusto Innocenti's project.

From 1790 until nowdays it was restored a bunch of times because of the numerous earthquakes: in 1836, 1930 and the worst in 1997, which made the church stay closed for 5 years.



The interior is on the plant of a latin cross with three aisles divided by pillars and it has a dome. There are many paintings inside the church, such as "Riposo Durante la Fuga in Egitto" by Federico Barocci, "Madonna della Speranza" by unknown, "San Paolino e Santa Maria Maddalena" by Domenico Corvi, "Assunta" by Alessandro Tarini following the Mannerism. In the middle aisle there's a majestic statue of Pope Pio IX.

In the sacristy there's a sarcophagus from the VI century, the Saint Gaudenzio' sarcophagus; its author is nameless, on the four edges of the lids the symbols of the evangelists are represented (Matteo the angel; Marco the lion; Giovanni the eagle; Luca the ox) and a sign tells that Sigismondo, arcibishop of Senigallia, in 590 put in the sarcophagus San Gaudenzio's relics, which were stolen in 1520 and brought to Ostra.

It's also interesting about the cathedral the elliptical chapel named after the Madonna of Hope designed by the architect Giuseppe Ferroni: it was opened the 29th April 1838, by the external it is surrounded by eight Corithians columns made of Sicilian jasper and with the base in yellow marble, in the internal was placed the painting "Madonna della Speranza", maybe a replica or a restored one of the original painting made by Ercole Ramazzani in 1578.

In the right choir in the presbitery there's a pipe organ made in 1906 by the famous craftsman Carlo Vegezzi Bozzi (2 manuals, 20 registers, pneumatic-tubular transmission).

In 1931 additional decoration works, such as the frescos made by Giovanni Marchini, were definitivaly ended. Finally 3rd May 1932 Pio IX raised the cathedral to a minor basilica.

  1. ^ Piazza Garibaldi, in comune.senigallia.an.it. URL consultato il 10 giu 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 27 agosto 2011).
  2. ^ I luoghi della devozione mariana, in terradelduca.it. URL consultato l'11 giu 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 30 agosto 2007).
  3. ^ Catrholic.org. Basilicas in Italy



Other Projects

  • Foto della cattedrale su diocesisenigallia.it. URL consultato il 29 marzo 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 6 maggio 2006).
  • Informazioni sul sarcofago di San Gaudenzio sul sito del comune di Senigallia su comune.senigallia.an.it.
  • Note sulla cappella dedicata alla Madonna della Speranza, su terradelduca.it. URL consultato l'11 giugno 2010 (archiviato dall'url originale il 30 agosto 2007).
  • Chiesa di San Pietro Apostolo (Senigallia) su BeWeB - Beni ecclesiastici in web
