Utente:Marco Petrucci/Sandbox

Marco Petrucci (Colleferro, 26 August 1982) it's a industrial designer and architectural lighting designer.


Born in Colleferro, small town in the province of Rome, son of Antonio Petrucci by origins porcianesi and Filomena Rosamilia by origins pugliesi of her father, Gerardo Rosamilia and of mother Diana Mattoccia native of Velletri.

Holds an University Degree in Industrial Design at the University La Sapienza in Rome and a 1st Degree Master of the Polytechnic University of Milan, in “Design and Technologies of Lighting”. Right after the first degree, he understands that architectural lighting design is his vocation. When in Florence, he developed his university thesis at Targetti, a leading architectural lighting brand, developing an innovative modular lighting system. Shortly after, during the Master in Milan he knows a true master of traditional italian design, the architect Piero Castiglioni, nephew of Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni, a global renowed firm. From then on, a trusted and priceless collaboration endured for the following ten years. During this time, he learns and fine tunes the technique, the culture, and the skill set to successully deliver high end lighting design projects. Among them, with Ricardo Bofill architects in 2009 to Spain, Barcelona, El Prat Airport. With Gae Aulenti architects in 2009 to Santa Sofia, Theater Complex "Mentore", in 2010 to Palermo, Branciforte Palace, in 2011 to Modena, Sant' Agostino Cultural Center. With Renzo Piano RPBW in 2013 to Trento, MUSE, Science Museum. With Jean Michel Gathy architects in 2013 to Venice, Papadopoli Palace, Aman Resort. With Thom Mayne architects in 2015 to Milan, San Donato, ENI Headquarters. The first project which featured him as a global lighting design Project Manager, is the Milan Portello urban district renovation, a 62 acres intervention. During this crucial experience, he works with some professionals of the international scene, Gino Valle architects, Cino Zucchi architects , Guido Canali architects, Charles Jencks and Andreas Kipar architects. Combining to this experience in large scale urban interventions, there is an lighting design project of prominent cultural heritage global site of UNESCO in 2012 to Rome, the Imperial Fora.

File:Marco Petrucci
Milano, 5 luglio 2016

[[Categoria:Personal life]]

In August of 2010, holy year, does the the Camino de Santiago, from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port to Santiago de Compostela, the french way. Walking along with the backpack about 800 km in a month's time. Among the most important cities that crosses there are Roncesvalles, Pamplona, ​​Logrogno, Burgos, Leon, Cebreiro. In Santiago, receives the Compostela, a certificate of accomplishment of the pilgrims on completing the way.

In December 2011, does the Christian pilgrimage, from Acre to Jerusalem, the holy land, in Israel and Palestine. Walking along with a backpack about 400 km, passing through Nazareth, Kafr Kanna, Tiberias, Capernaum, Beit She'an, Jericho. In Jerusalem, at the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre, receives full the pilgrim's certificate of Franciscan custody of the holy land.

In August 2012, he undertook the last holy pilgrimage and reaches Rome. From Milan along the Via Francigena, 700 km in a month, passing through Piacenza, Alpi Apuane, Lucca, Siena, Montalcino, Bolsena, Viterbo. He receives in Rome at the Basilica of St. Peter, the testimonium, document certifying the place pilgrimage to Rome devotions cause. He continues to Colleferro to the house where he was born.