
The festival, in an extraordinary set of sacre and profane, starts at 5 a.m. with the holy mass outdoors in Saint Francis of Assisi. Then there is the procession of the shepherds, with the old painting of the Vergin, painted on copper. The painting is brought throught the city and announced by rows of barrels, that explode as a sign of celebration. In late morning the Madonna's statue is carried in the procession from the cathedral to the Piccanello's church (where people said everything began) by the archbishop with all the clergy. The "knights" of the Bruna parade to accompany the Vergin. They are the guard of the protectress and they wear costumes with brights colors, helmets with feathers, breastplates and with clear spanish influences. The horses ,that knights ride, have parade trappings. On the 23rd of June the novenario opens officialy the celebrations in honor of Maria Santissima della Bruna. The novenario finishes on the 1st of July, the day of the festival's eve. The triumphal wagon, after that it is completed, is blessed by the archbishop and it will take the Madonna della Bruna's statue.