
Chairil Anwar, autore di "Aku"

"Aku" ("Io") è una poesia in indonesiano del 1943 composta da Chairil Anwar. Il tempa principale è la natura individualistica e la vitalità dell'autore.

Marzo 1943

«Kalau sampai waktuku
'Ku mau tak seorang 'kan merayu
Tidak juga kau
Tak perlu sedu sedan itu

Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulannya yang terbuang
Biar peluru menembus kulitku
Aku tetap meradang menerjang

Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari

Hingga hilang pedih perih

Dan aku akan lebih tidak peduli
Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi!»

«Quando giungerà il mio tempo
non voglio che nessuno pianga
nemmeno te
Non c'è bisogno di singhiozzi

Io sono un animale selvaggio
scacciato dal gregge
mi trapassi pure la pelle una pallottola
continuerò a infuriare e scalciare

la ferita e il veleno porterò correndo

finché si spenga il morso ed il bruciore

e non me ne curerò più
Voglio vivere ancora mille anni!»



Anwar first read "Aku" at the Jakarta Cultural Centre in July 1943.Template:Sfn It was then printed in Pemandangan under the title "Semangat" ("Spirit"); according to Indonesian literary documentarian HB Jassin, this was to avoid censorship and to better promote the nascent independence movement.Template:Sfn "Aku" has gone on to become Anwar's most celebrated poem.Template:Sfn

Indonesian writer Muhammad Balfas notes that one of Anwar's contemporaries, Bung Usman, wrote "Hendak Jadi Orang Besar???" ("So You Want to Be a Big Person???") in response to "Aku".Template:Sfn Balfas suggests that Usman was greatly irritated by the "vitality and new way of life" that Anwar showed in the poem.Template:Sfn


Anwar's "Aku", on a wall in the Netherlands

According to Timorese scholar of Indonesian literature A. G. Hadzarmawit Netti, the title "Aku" emphasizes Anwar's individualistic nature, while the temporary title "Semangat" reflects his vitality.Template:Sfn Netti analyzes the poem itself as reflecting Anwar's need to control his environment and not be shaped by outside forces, emphasizing the first two stanzas.Template:Sfn According to Netti, through controlling his environment, Anwar is able to better protect his freedom and individualistic nature.Template:Sfn Netti sees the final line as reflecting Anwar's pride in his individualistic nature, finally surmising that Anwar would have agreed with Ayn Rand's philosophy of Objectivism.Template:Sfn

Indonesian literary scholar Arief Budiman notes that "Aku" reflects Anwar's worldview, that others should not care for him as he does not care for others.Template:Sfn Budiman also notes that the third and fourth stanzas reflect Friedrich Nietzsche's view that suffering makes one stronger.Template:Sfn

Vedi anche

  1. ^ Errore nelle note: Errore nell'uso del marcatore <ref>: non è stato indicato alcun testo per il marcatore Bausani

