• apricot = albicocca
  • barley = orzo
  • bell pepper = peperone
  • black pepper = pepe (piper nigrum)
  • broad bean = fava
  • cereals = cereali
  • chili pepper = peperoncino (capsicum)
  • cinnamon = cannella
  • citrus /ˈsɪtrəs/ = agrumi, di agrumi → citrus plant
  • cloves = chiodi di garofano
  • cuttlefish = seppie
  • eggplant = melanzana (aubergine)
  • grape = uva (white table grapes)
  • maize /ˈmeɪz/ = mais (corn)
  • nutmeg = noce moscata
  • pine nuts = pinoli
  • poultry = pollame
  • produce /ˈprɒdjuːs/ = produzione agricola, prodotti agricoli
  • raisin = uva passa (dried grape)
  • saffron = zafferano
  • seabass = spigola/branzino
  • tuna (fish) /ˈtjuːnə/ = tonno
  • turkey = tacchino
  • ...

Common expressions

  • let's get the ball rolling = let's start
  • sleep on it = pensarci su
  • be there at 8 o'clock sharp = spaccate
  • I know it like the back of my hand = come il palmo della mia mano
  • I am sick and tired of doing that / I am sick to death of it = non ne posso più