The museum of Modern Art, Information and Photography, MUSIF is situated in Senigallia in Italy.

History and Description


The building is situated in a luxury apartment building close to Fenice Theatre, founded in 1981 by the Town Council upon the critic Carlo Emanuele Bugatti’s advice and with the artists Virgilio Guidi, Umberto Mastroianni and Orfeo Tamburi’s consents.

A lot of artists have donated thier pieces to the musem which evidences the correlation between the word and the picture in the field of information up until the latest styles of Copy Art, Visual Poetry , ”ex libris” and Mail Art. It is also one of the most important Italian centre for the recording of Contemporary Art, Photography and Etching.





The part dedicated to Photography contains more than 1700 pictures donated by more than 50 artists. The Photography Association of Misa founded in Senigallia by Giuseppe Cavalli and the 250 photos by Mario Giacomelli from the fifties are worth considering.

Visual Poetry


The birth of the archive belongs to the artists Eugenio Miccini and Mariella Bentivoglio who were the first donors of some of their pieces. Later, about 200 people did the same, including the Italian Istitute of NYC University. The Town Councils of Ravenna and La Spazie asked to expose some of the pieces of this collection .

Ex libris


The area of "ex libris" was opened in 1986 to hold large repertories of different authors up to the second post-war period. In the years, they added more and more pieces, up till now when it contains 6300 ex libris by 50 Italian artists and 130 foreign ones.

Mail Art


It contains the pieces from two projects: the "Noti de' Nobili" and "Immaginazione", both created with the help of copius artists.

See also
