
Officina Visioni


The Officina Visioni Cultural Association started as an informal group in 2009 and became a cultural association in 2010. Officina Visioni promotes the development of the territory through, the means of cultural production and solidarity action aimed at bypassing political and social barriers at local and international level. Officina Visioni aims to promote the greater diffusion of cinematographic aspects related to culture, technology and professional activities of cinematographic practice and to enhance the national and foreign cinematographic and audiovisual heritage, carry out research and experimentation activities in the field of multimedia communication that use audiovisual, photographic, sound, book, iconographic and new technology tools.



The officina visioni Cultural Association has conceived and realized in collaboration with Big Sur and Archivio Cinema del reale: The Royal Cinema Festival (salento), editions 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012), Musikì (Salento, editions 2009 - 2010), Finis Terrae - Southern Visions (Vienna 2010), Visions of Rome in collaboration with the Audiovisual Archive of the Workers and Democrats Movement (AAMOD, [[1]] 2011), Cecilia Mangini_ Visions and passions (Creteil, France 2011, in collaboration with Festival International des Films des Femmes "), the seminar "Filming the music and the territory" (Salento, 2010), the seminars "Filming the territory" (Carbonia, 2010, Orvieto 2011, Gibellina 2012). He produced the documentary film "Ju tarramutu", directed by Paolo Pisanelli (Italy, 2010) in co-production with Big Sur and PMI. He edited the executive production of the documentary "Buone Prassi crescono" (2010), commissioned by the Italian Association of Down People. He produced the performances of cinema-theater "The earthquake of women" (Italy, 2011) in co-production with Big Sur and Ass. Cult. Animammersa presented for the festival "Frontiere -The first time" at the Petruzzelli Theater in Bari (September 2011, Apulia Film Commission organization) and "Aquilane" (Italy, 2013) in co-production with Big Sur and Ass. Cult. Animammersa and in collaboration with Società Aquilana of the concerts "B. Barattelli" for the musical season of L'Aquila, presented on 19/04/2013, directed by Patrizia Bernardi and Paolo Pisanelli. He collaborated with the Fondazione Franca and Franco Basaglia in the project Laboratori di Cittadinanza 2011-2012 and in the Radiografie project, making five short films on the theme "Telling the Invisible". He co-produced with Big Sur and Manifatture Knos "Incontri del terzo luogo" (8 ', Italia, 2013) short film, interview with landscape philosopher Gilles Clement. The "Buongiorno Taranto" is a documentary film directed by Paolo Pisanelli in co-production with Big Sur and with the support of the Apulia Film Commission and the creation of the videoblog www.buongiornotaranto.it a workshop of narratives on the most polluted city in Europe, afflicted by "environmental disaster". The videoblog presents itself as a container open to contributions and visions to narrate not only the dark side of the city, but also to search for submerged or lost beauty, to look after places through eyes, words and music.

cinema del reale


Il cinema del reale is the most important event that is being produced by Officine Visioni.In 2004 The Film Festival of the Real is a unique manifestation in its formula.For four days at the end of July it invades Specchia, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, transforming it into the citadel of the audiovisual and performing arts including projections, workshops, happenings and breakfasts with the authors who promote the narratives of the real and the documentary cinema made in Italy, in the Mediterranean countries and in the world. Every day has a different theme. At the first year they where: landscapes of the south of Italy, memories and migrants, teachers and school. At the last event the themes where: faces,wars and changes.



The year 2010, the 21st of June Federica Facioni and Paolo Pisanelli declared to constitute, as the present act constitute, a cultural association called: "OfficinaVisioni" The Association has its main office in via Francesco Antonio Pigafetta, 58 - 00154 - Rome and a secondary office in Lecce in Piazza Mazzini, 50.

The Association is a private non-profit organization, which intends to comply, in the performance of its business, with the principles of internal democracy and structure and electivity. The Association exclusively pursues cultural aims of education, education and recreation, of promotion and social inclusion and training, without any profit, it is apolitical and non-party. The organization promotes through its tools and its own language actions aimed at combating and removing racism, discrimination, marginalization and prejudice, militarism and the culture of war, nationalism, authoritarianism and violence. The Association promotes the development of the territory through the means of cultural production and solidarity action aimed at bypassing political and social barriers at local and international level.

The Association promotes, develops and defends the freedom of information and the independence of cultural production from party, religious and industrial interests. The Association aims to promote the greater dissemination of aspects of cinematography related to culture, technology and professional activities of film production and to enhance the national and foreign cinematographic and audiovisual heritage.