Charlotte Hughes (scrittrice)

scrittrice statunitense

Charlotte Hughes (...) è una scrittrice statunitense.

  • Too Many Husbands[1]
  • Straight Shootin' Lady[1]
  • Travelin' Man[1]
  • Sweet Misery[1]
  • Tigress[1]
  • Scoundrel[1]
  • Private Eyes[1]
  • Restless Nights[1]
  • Louisiana Lovin’[1]
  • Tough Guy, Savvy Lady[1]
  • The Lady and the Cowboy[1]
  • Rascal[1]
  • Island Rogue[1]
  • The Incredible Hunk[1]
  • Passione improvvisa[2] (Kissed by a Rogue)[1]
  • The Devil and Miss Goody-Two-Shoes[1]
  • The Cop and the Mother-to-Be[1]
  • Belated Bride[1]
  • Husband Wanted[1]
  • Ready-Made Family[1]
  • Tall, Dark, and Bad (1996)[1]
  • Just Married... Again (1998)[1]
  • The Last Southern Belle (1999)[1]
  • Punto e a capo[2] (A New Attitude) (2001)[1]
  • Millionaire Cop & Mom-To-Be (2002)[1]
  • Divisa e rossetto[2] (Hot Shot) (2002)[1]
  • And After That, The Dark (2004)[1]
  • Night Kills (2004)[1]
  • Valley of the Shadows (2004)[1]
  • What Looks Like Crazy (2008)[1]
  • Nutcase (2009)[1]
  • High Anxiety (2009)[1]
  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af Charlotte Hughes, Author - Novels by author Charlotte Hughes, su (archiviato dall'url originale il 9 febbraio 2012).
  2. ^ a b c Catalogo SBN, su

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