Chinina 3-monoossigenasi


La chinina 3-monoossigenasi è un enzima appartenente alla classe delle ossidoreduttasi, che catalizza la seguente reazione:

chinina 3-monoossigenasi
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Numero EC1.14.13.67
Nome sistematico
chinina,NADPH:ossigeno ossidoreduttasi
Altri nomi
chinina 3-idrossilasi
Fonte: IUBMB
chinina + NADPH + H+ + O2 3-idrossichinina + NADP+ + H2O

Bibliografia modifica

  • Zhao, X.-J., Yokoyama, H., Chiba, K., Wanwimolruk, S. and Ishizaki, T., Identification of human cytochrome P450 isoforms involved in the 3-hydroxylation of quinine by human liver microsomes and nine recombinant human cytochromes P450, in J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., vol. 279, 1996, pp. 1327–1334, Entrez PubMed 8968357.
  • Zhao, X.-J., Kawashiro, T. and Ishizaki, T., Mutual inhibition between quinine and etoposide by human liver microsomes. Evidence for cytochrome P4503A4 involvement in their major metabolic pathways, in Drug Metab. Dispos., vol. 26, 1998, pp. 188–191, Entrez PubMed 9456308.
  • Zhang, H., Coville, P.F., Walker, R.J., Miners, J.O., Birkett, D.J. and Wanwimolruk, S., Evidence for involvement of human CYP3A in the 3-hydroxylation of quinine, in Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol., vol. 43, 1997, pp. 245–252, Entrez PubMed 9088578.
  • Relling, M.V., Evans, R., Dass, C., Desiderio, D.M. and Nemec, J., Human cytochrome P450 metabolism of teniposide and etoposide, in J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., vol. 261, 1992, pp. 491–496, Entrez PubMed 1578365.
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