Collected Stories of William Faulkner

Collected Stories di William Faulkner è una raccolta di 42 racconti del 1951, pubblicata dalla Random House di New York, divisa in sei sezioni, per volontà dell'autore.

Collected Stories
AutoreWilliam Faulkner
1ª ed. originale1951
Lingua originaleinglese

Elenco dei racconti della raccolta

  • The Country
    • Barn Burning (1939)
    • Shingles for the Lord (1943)
    • The Tall Men (1941)
    • A Bear Hunt (1934)
    • Two Soldiers (1942)
    • Shall Not Perish (1943)
  • The Village
    • A Rose for Emily (1930)
    • Hair (1931)
    • Centaur in Brass (1932)
    • Dry September (1931)
    • Death Drag (1932)
    • Elly (1934)
    • Uncle Willy (1935)
    • Mule in the Yard (1934)
    • That Will Be Fine (1935)
    • That Evening Sun (1931)
  • The Wilderness
    • Red Leaves (1930)
    • A Justice (1931)
    • A Courtship (1948)
    • Lo! (1934)
  • The Wasteland
    • Ad Astra (1931)
    • Victory (1931)
    • Crevasse (1931)
    • Turnabout (1932)
    • All the Dead Pilots (1931)
  • The Middle Ground
    • Wash (1934)
    • Honor (1930)
    • Dr. Martino (1931)
    • Fox Hunt (1931)
    • Pennsylvania Station (1934)
    • Artist at Home (1933)
    • The Brooch (1936)
    • My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek (1943)
    • Golden Land (1935)
    • There Was a Queen (1933)
    • Mountain Victory (1932)
  • Beyond
    • Beyond (1933)
    • Black Music (1934)
    • The Leg (1934)
    • Mistral (1931)
    • Divorce in Naples (1931)
    • Carcassonne (1931)

Altri racconti di Faulkner non inclusi nella raccolta


In ordine di data, gli altri racconti di Faulkner non compresi nella raccolta sono:

  • Landing in Luck (1919)
  • The Hill (1922)
  • New Orleans (1925)
  • Mirrors of Chartres Street (1925)
  • Damon and Pythias Unlimited (1925)
  • Jealousy (1925)
  • Cheest (1925)
  • Out of Nazareth (1925)
  • The Kingdom of God (1925)
  • The Rosary (1925)
  • The Cobbler (1925)
  • Chance (1925)
  • Sunset (1925)
  • The Kid Learns (1925)
  • The Liar (1925)
  • Home (1925)
  • Episode (1925)
  • Country Mice (1925)
  • Yo Ho and Two Bottles of Rum (1925)
  • Music: Sweeter than the Angels Sing (1928)
  • Thrift (1930)
  • Spotted Horses (1931)
  • The Hound (1931)
  • Idyll in the Desert (1931)
  • Miss Zilphia Gant (1932)
  • Once Aboard the Lugger (I) (1932)
  • Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard (1932)
  • Smoke (1932)
  • A Bear Hunt (1934)
  • Ambuscade (1934, parte de Gli invitti)
  • Retreat (1934, parte de Gli invitti)
  • Raid (1934, parte de Gli invitti)
  • Skirmish at Sartoris (1935, parte de Gli invitti)
  • Lion (1935)
  • Two Dollar Wife (1936)
  • Fool About a Horse (1936)
  • The Unvanquished (1936, parte de Gli invitti)
  • Vendée (1936, parte de Gli invitti)
  • Monk (1937)
  • Hand Upon the Waters (1939)
  • A Point of Law (1940)
  • The Old People (1940, parte di Scendi, Mosè)
  • Pantaloon in Black (1940, parte di Scendi, Mosè)
  • Gold Is Not Always (1940)
  • Tomorrow (1940)
  • Go Down, Moses (1941, parte di Scendi, Mosè)
  • Delta Autumn (1942, parte di Scendi, Mosè)
  • The Bear (1942, parte di Scendi, Mosè)
  • Afternoon of a Cow (1943)
  • An Error in Chemistry (1946)
  • Knight's Gambit (1949)
  • A Name for the City (1950)
  • Notes on a Horsethief (1951)
  • Mississippi (1954)
  • Sepulture South: Gaslight (1954)
  • Race at Morning (1955)
  • By the People (1955)
  • Hell Creek Crossing (1962)
  • Mr. Acarius (1965)
  • The Wishing Tree (1967)
  • Al Jackson (1971)
  • And Now What's to Do (1973)
  • Nympholepsy (1973)
  • The Priest (1976)
  • Mayday (1977)
  • Frankie and Johnny (1978)
  • Don Giovanni (1979)
  • Peter (1979)
  • A Portrait of Elmer (1979)
  • Adolescence (1979)
  • Snow (1979)
  • Moonlight (1979)
  • With Caution and Dispatch (1979)
  • Hog Pawn (1979)
  • A Dangerous Man (1979)
  • A Return (1979)
  • The Big Shot (1979)
  • Once Aboard the Lugger (II) (1979)
  • Dull Tale (1979)
  • Evangeline (1979)
  • Love (1988)
  • Christmas Tree (1995)
  • Rose of Lebanon (1995)
  • Lucas Beauchamp (1999)

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