Dennis O'Rourke

regista australiano

Dennis Patrick O'Rourke (Brisbane, 14 agosto 194515 giugno 2013) è stato un regista australiano.

Dennis Patrick O'Rourke


  • Yumi Yet - Independence for Papua New Guinea (1976)
  • Ileksen - Politics In Papua New Guinea (1978)
  • Yap... How Did You Know We'd Like TV? (1980)
  • The Shark Callers Of Kontu (1982)
  • Couldn't Be Fairer (1984)
  • Half Life - A Parable For The Nuclear Age (1985)
  • Cannibal Tours (1988)
  • The Good Woman of Bangkok (1991)
  • Cunnamulla (2000)
  • Land Mines - A Love Story (2004)

Collegamenti esterni

Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN12501716 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 0367 2599 · LCCN (ENn89104411 · GND (DE1089392281 · BNF (FRcb139993527 (data) · J9U (ENHE987007422459505171