
Ultimo commento: 12 anni fa, lasciato da Tanonero in merito all'argomento Burakumin



Ho messo l' aggiunta sui Burakumin che è abbastanza ovvia per chi conosce il Giappone. Se ti interessa un riferimento si dice la stessa cosa alla voce "Burakumin" di Wikipedia in inglese. Cito: "In the award winning 2008 Japanese movie Okuribito (Departures), the main character Daigo becomes a professional coffiner, a line of work long reviled in Japanese culture for its association with the dead. It isn't explicitly mentioned, but a Japanese audience would recognise it as a job for burakumin. Despite Daigo having no mentioned ancestral background, the film portrays a sense of strong lingering discrimination to work associated with burakumin. As such he tries to hide his new profession from everyone, including his wife , who actually leaves him when she learns the truth. Rather than quit, he continues his work and achieves great fulfillment in seeing the gratitude of families after he performs his ceremony. Many characters in the movie, including his wife, undergo a radical change of heart from vilification to awe and respect after seeing Daigo work".

Ho rimosso l'aggiunta sia perché avresti dovuto citare le fonti in questa di voce, sia perché è un'informazione relativa alla professione e non direttamente al film, l'argomento trattato qui. Ciao e buon proseguimento --Tanonero (msg) 11:27, 2 ott 2011 (CEST)Rispondi
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