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In merito alla innovativa ultima menzionata con numero di brevetto 102016000007693 riporto un forzato estratto:
Said train comprising:
- A main train body shaped like aircraft (ekranoplano),
- Mobile wing structures laterally fastened to the main body and adapted to increase the speed of the train and allow it to take off,
- Wheels adapted to slide, respectively, between a lower rail and an upper rail above the lower rail, so that the wheels will remain within the gap defined between such rails,
- Dams and Spoiler fastened to said wings or on structures in titanium profiles and adapted to rotate in order to balance the air resistance generated by the wing structure, better to keep the vehicle with an unbalanced load, in perfect linearity of advance without that the wheels contact their upper or lower rails,
- Side bulkheads adapted to descend from the outer edges of the vehicle belly towards the rail, so as to “enclose” the air present in the region under the train’s belly in order to increase the lift of the ground effect.
Wherein the system comprises:
1 A compressed-air (product with thermo-dynamic solar) tank adapted to shift the train, said tank being buried underground, a pipeline running parallel to the rails and adapted to carry the compressed air from the tank along the entire path followed by the train, a pair of nozzles arranged on pipelines and adapted to discharge the compressed air from the external piping to the vehicle heading toward the linear turbines assembled on the side walls of the train, will serve to move the train,
2 System according to claim 1 , wherein the train further comprises a ramjet motor located in the terminal part of the train , which is adapted to increase the speed of the train during take-off up to a predefined top speed and to compensate for some initial resistance to the movement of the train.
3 System according to claim 1, wherein the dams and the spoilers are turned, in order to obtain different angles, through respective electric motors double step and toothed wheels, said motors being installed in the back of the titanium structures.
4 System according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the train moves at a distance from the support track comprised between 250 and 300 mm and at a constant speed of 200 km/h.
5 System according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the main body of the train has a load-bearing structure made of titanium drawn sections, and the base of the fuselage assembly in sight is obtained from aluminium sheets.
6 System according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the wheels of the train are made in titanium, with their circular periphery coated with a rubber tubular tyre, and with a circular crown facing towards the inside of the rails and acting as a guide with an anti-derailment function.
7 System according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the nozzles are inclined by a predefined angle relative to the linear turbines.
8 System according to any one of the preceding claims, further comprising pressure sensors located between the peripheral metallic part of the weels and the rubber tubular tyres, said sensors being activated by the pressure of the weels when the latter abut against the upper or lower rails, so as to detach the vehicle from the rails by operating the dams and spoilers.
9 System according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the train is shaped ekranoplanoQuesto commento senza la firma utente è stato inserito da (discussioni · contributi).

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