
Ultimo commento: 5 mesi fa, lasciato da Spazio-dedito8 in merito all'argomento T-80UM2
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Allego una risposta a mie domande fatte all'esperto in vateria Vassily Fofanov, che mi sembra interessante.

Dear Claudio,

Sorry for a delay with answering, I have been traveling.

> -Does T-80 has the thermal image?

The situation is hard to describe in two words. The version of T-80U with the thermal imager was ready for production in 1992. However by then, production of T-80Us has effectively stopped due to financial woes. It is unlikely any T-80Us with thermals reached army units. Thermals on T-80s got a new page with the new "Rogatka" upgrade kit that has been developed in 2005 and is planned to be used to upgrade about 140-180 tanks of types T-72B and T-80B per year between 2006 and 2015.

> -Does it have an interior anti-spalling layer?


> -Do T-64 and T-90 have any of these feature?

T-64: there is upgrade proposal in Ukraine that includes the thermals (French, from SAGEM), however currently there are no T-64s that use it. T-90: tanks fielded in 2004-2006 have thermals; some part of those that were fielded in the 90s might have thermals too, but this is uncertain.

> -And the T-84?

Again, there is a proposal that includes thermals, I am not sure what's the production status (there was just a handful of T-84s built anyway).

> -Does some russian tank (in service, not a protorype) have a commander indipendent visor?

If you refer to a day-light and night II visor - all of them do beginning with T-55. If you refer specifically to independent commander's THERMAL - none of them do.

> -Is possible for the commander of a T-80 or a T-90 to override the > gunner and align the turret to his point of wiev (or simply share the > aiming image with the gunner, like in western tanks)?

All models since T-55 allow commander to align the turret to his point of view. On T-80U and T-90 the commander not only can align the view, he can actually fire the gun completely independently from the gunner. Sharing the gunner's picture has only appeared on some latest sights like Sosna-U, this isn't the way things were done before.

> I appreciate very much any advice on web sites or books (in english - > i can't read or understand russian) you'll give me.

I recommend you to get Zaloga "Soviet Armor and Artillery Design Practices". Despite many shortcomings it is probably the best book in English you can have.

Best regards, Vasiliy Fofanov.



Il T-80UM2, anche chiamato Oggetto 219AS-M, era un prototipo della serie di carri armati da combattimento T-80U per possibili aggiornamenti con Drodz APS a bordo; Omsktransmash costruì un prototipo del T-80UM come loro soluzione per migliorare la flotta di T-80U in Russia alla fine degli anni '90. Però, il peggioramento dell’economia della Russia ha reso impossibile altri migliori improvimenti del T-80UM2, che è stato mostrato solo durante la dimostrazione dell'equipaggiamento nel 1997. --Spazio-dedito8 (msg) 20:06, 11 gen 2024 (CET)Rispondi

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